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Lucy was sitting on her bed on her laptop trying to finish an essay for college. She'd tried sleeping, but had seen visions of people turned to stone and she felt breathless. She heard voices and snuck downstairs.

Lucy swept her hair over her shoulder and asked, "Why are you two here?"

"Where's Malia?" Peter asked.

"And Scott," Lydia added.

Lucy shook her head. "I have no clue. I was busy attempting to finish an essay. Why?"

"They're not answering. We know that the hunters have taken out some cell phone towers."

Peter frowned. "They're cutting us off from the outside. And from each other. Which likely means that they've already started amassing troops on their side.

Lydia's lips pursed. "Then we better find ours."

Lucy sighed. "My father has a special place for Gerard."

They made their way to the Animal Clinic and after looking around, Lydia sighed. "They haven't been here. Maybe we should go to the school."

Peter frowned. "Lydia, you never said why you were waiting for Scott."

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

"I think we need to," Lucy replied.

Lydia met her eyes. "Last night, I woke up saying two words that might just be from a dream, or it might be from something else."

"Lydia, what two words?"

""Where's Jackson?""

She sighed. "I had a dream about people being turned to stone and I couldn't breathe, but it wasn't an anxiety attack."

Peter glanced at Lucy and Lydia. "That is disturbing on multiple levels. What else?" Lydia didn't answer. "Lydia, don't hold back on me. I never held back on you."

"I saw you... Turned to stone. I was in a storage container. It was steel. There was a blue wall. I saw everyone, even Derek and Ethan. All of you turned to stone," Lydia said.

Peter let out an exasperated sigh. "Do you ever see anything remotely optimistic?"

Lucy shook her head seriously. "No. It's all bones and translucent figures."

Lydia frowned, looking at Lucy. "He was talking to me."

Peter sighed and paused. "Storage con... Do you mean shipping container?"

Lydia nodded. "Yeah! I was surrounded by them."

Lucy smirked. "Then you know where they are."

They ran off to find Scott and found Malia with him.

"Scott! Scott! Scott!" Lydia yelled, catching his attention. "None of us are going to survive this."

Lucy shook her head, trying to shake the dreams from her mind.

Scott turned to them. "What... Why? What are you doing here?"

"They're coming, Monroe and more," Peter warned. "And they have heavy firepower."

Machine guns began to fire. Deucalion was hit and fell to the ground. Lucy yanked Lydia behind a box as they ducked. The rest of the pack ducked, hiding from the firing machine guns.

Lucy peeked up and asked, "Could this possibly get any worse?" Her friends glanced at her. "That was rhetorical."

[Scott and Malia are fighting with Deucalion.]

The Kids From Yesterday // Stiles Stilinksi [2/2]Where stories live. Discover now