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Stiles sat at his dad's bedside and Lucy leaned against a wall as she watched the scene.

"Is that my laptop?" The sheriff asked.

Stiles typed as he replied, "Yep."

"Do you have my password?"

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "I have all your passwords. You know, they just brought in another body from last night?"

"Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't find out. Now give me my damn computer."

He reached for the computer and Stiles pulled away.

"I think there's something missing in your head," the sheriff retorted, causing Lucy to scoff lightly.

"You need your rest," Stiles told him as he focused back on the computer.

Lucy walked over to the computer and frowned. "What is that?"

Stiles glanced up at her. "I don't know."

They made their way to Scott's to find him in his bathroom nursing his wound.

"Hey," Stiles greeted. "Still not healing?"

Scott looked down for a second. "Sometimes it just takes a little longer. What are you doing here?"

"Ah, you hear about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right? I think I may have figured something out."

Scott frowned. "What, you want my help?"

Stiles shrugged. "Yeah, well, you said you can find the clues that I can't." He pulled out his phone and Scott put on a clean shirt. "Here. Take a look." He pushed play on a security cam video he'd pulled up. "This is where the technician first arrived. Then Deputy Clark goes in. Then something really big and really fast comes charging out. And now comes Clark. Eventually, technician's body is carried out by paramedics."

"Okay, what am I missing?" Scott wondered.

Lucy played with her bracelet beads. "Two people go in, three people leave."

Stiles nodded. "I checked all the footage. Not a single person enters that building before the technicians the entire day. So where does that something really big and fast come from?"

"There's another way in," Scott realized.

They arrived at the Telecom building and saw a grate surrounded by words.

"You see that?" Stiles asked.

"I see blood," Scott replied.

He tried to pull up a locker with blood and scratch marks. After a moment, Stiles and Lucy helped Scott.

Stiles trailed the flashlight across the blood. "Look where it leads to."

He crouched down next to the grate and focused on the words. "What is that?"

Lucy knelt next to Stiles. "Latin. Damnatio Memoriae. It translates to condemnation of memory."

Scott looked at her in surprise and Lucy continued. "My brain can translate some Latin. Ancient Greek is easier."

He nodded and turned to his friend. "Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it. Stiles, hold the light still."

Stiles fell to the ground and yelled, "Scott, Lu, behind you!"

Lucy noticed Scott push Tracy into Josh. He was paralyzed by Tracy's claws and she was knocked down by his electricity. Scott turned to the wall, alpha eyes glowing, and growling. Corey appeared and his eyes widened.

Lucy turned her knife into a sword and rushed Tracy. "I'd stop right now."

Stiles turned to Josh. "Sucks, doesn't it."

Theo showed up and looked down at his pack. "Maybe they're not ready to take on the two most powerful members of the McCall pack. The one that can smell fear and the one that can control the dead."

Corey's voice raised in pitch. "He's got fangs!"

Scott pointed to Tracy and Josh. "What did you do?"

"I found some new friends," Theo told him. "I don't take rejection well."

Corey and Tracy carried Josh away, leaving Scott's pack stuck with Theo.

"Hey, Theo!" Stiles cried.

"Hello, Lucy," Theo said. "That thing's sharp. Stiles." Theo looked down at the Latin words and crushed them with his foot before turning to Scott. "You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me. But you're wrong. We're actually back on the same side. Because that's the thing... That's what we need to worry about. Your pack and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives."

Something caught Theo's attention and Lucy asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's not a Chimera."

"But if it's just a kid underneath. Someone like us," Scott said.

Theo left and Lucy helped Stiles sit up as Scott said, "He knew what it meant and I can't remember the words."

"Damnatio Memoriae," Lucy replied. "The condemnation of memory."

Stiles spoke up. "I think it also means that whatever the Dread Doctors created, whatever the last Chimera really is, it's not something new. It's something old. Really old."

"So they didn't create a new creature," Scott realized.

Stiles nodded. "They resurrected one."

Scott drew a circle in the dirt. "We need help. If Theo's got his own pack now, the we need ours. We have to get the others back."

"The others? You mean Kira who's currently battling a homicidal fox spirit inside of her, Malia who isn't even speaking to either one of us, Lydia who is stuck in Eichen House, and Liam who almost killed you and could've hurt Lu?"

Scott smiled. "Also known as our friends."

"How?" Lucy wondered.

"One by one."

Stiles looked at the circle. "You're not seriously gonna make me do it, right?"

"You're part of the pack, right?"

Stiles let out a sigh. "Okay." He drew the outer circle of Scott's pack symbol. Once he finished, Scott pulled him up and they left the tunnel. "We need to find Kira." He glanced at Scott's arm. "I still hate that tattoo."

Scott smirked. "I know."

At Scott's, Lucy noticed Stiles was acting weird.

"What's going on with you?" Lucy asked.

Stiles was silent for a moment. "You're not gonna leave me for Theo are you?"

"Whoa. Where is this coming from?"

"He clearly likes you."

"And I have no interest in him."

He pursed his lips. "Whatever."

Lucy's eyes flashed. "Get out."

"Look, Lu--"

"No. I decided to date you because I like you. It took awhile for me to say that I loved you. And this is how you're treating me? Leave me alone, Stiles."

He sighed and left the room.

The Kids From Yesterday // Stiles Stilinksi [2/2]Where stories live. Discover now