Chapter 15

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Science Museum

Jericho struggled as she tried to keep up with Peter and his friends. She kept falling behind, manuvering as best as she could to not lose her group in the crowd. The science museum was amazing but Jericho couldn't bring herself to enjoy it. Especially when Peter seemed to forget she was even there.

After being dropped off by Happy, him insisting to let him chaperone and the teenagers refusing, they walked through the huge building taking in all the science things the world had to offer.

"That is so cool man!" Ned exclaimed as he and Peter gleed over something Jericho didn't understand. MJ took pictures of her friends and laughed over the weird poses they did. Jericho sighed. Of course, she didn't fit in with Peter's friends. It didn't surprise her.

Losing interest in whatever the trio fangirled over, Jericho walked off in search of something more interesting. She found a section where a man was giving a presentation over DNA and molecules. Jericho didn't give much care to it until she heard a familiar explanation she once heard a long time ago by Professor Hank McCoy himself.

"In your body, you have around 3 billion pairs of these nucleotides, with around 25,000 to 50,000 genes all arranged on 23 pairs of chromosomes," the presenter announced through his microphone. Behind him, there was a display of the different photos about more things Jericho didn't understand. Her thoughts snapped back as he suddenly began to talk about the mutant gene.

"There are people among us that we call mutants. A mutant is a human being that possesses a genetic trait called the X-gene. It causes the human to develop amazing supernatural abilities when puberty is reached, some even before that! They truly are a superb outcome of science!" The announcer was excited about the topic of mutants. If only he knew there was one in the audience.

"We have learned a lot over the course of time about mutants. Their supreme powers came in handy during the Vietnam War and to this day, we owe them a great deal. Their mutant gene is carried through males and because of this, we can conclude that..."

Jericho blocked out his voice. This man was one of the rare humans that felt mutants were a blessing to the world. She noticed that the group that was listening had diminished to only a few once the mutant gene was mentioned.

"We have even created a prototype that activates when a mutant is nearby!" The man suddenly said as he held up a type of device. Jericho took it as her cue to leave. She walked away, trying to not look too suspicious as she left the area.

Jericho observed the different people around her as she walked. She particularly liked the family of three that were examining dinosaur fossils. The parents had a little girl with them who was gleefully rambling to her parents about the type of dinosaur they were looking at.

It reminded Jericho of the first time Logan took her and Rogue to a nearby passing fair. He looked like a single dad carrying a bag filled with different snacks. He won them each a stuffed animal, bought them hot dogs, and watched carefully as they enjoyed the day, feeling normal for once. It was a truly happy memory Jericho would never forget. It was moments like that that made Jericho think she had it all. While she may still have a strand of bitterness for not being normal, she knew she wouldn't have these amazing people around her if she was any other way.

Jericho stumbled into a new area and became very interested when she realized it was the space section, complete with different displays of solar systems, stars, black holes, and close-ups of constellations.

Jericho read some of the exhibit descriptions. She examined some shuttles and even asked a couple of questions to the workers, who looked very happy someone was actually interested.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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