"Epilogue: The New Future Of The Next Generational's Tomorrow"

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After 5 Months past from all of the destructions and corruptions has been destroyed, Haruo knew that his new life into The Houtua's Kingdom Island is now his new home including his surviving humans who have now integrated with The Houtua's society.

They laid down their weapons, Abandoned their armors, Adopting the culture, Dressing up into some clothing of the Houtua, Living alongside with them, And for all of those additionally years.

After Haruo's proposal to the queen for his engagement hand in marriage, Zecora knew that they will now together for their chances of their wedded life times.

Five years later, Captain Haruo Sakaki marries Zebra Queen Zecora and she became pregnant with Haruo's child and at last they were ready to make their love official, Finally bringing peace to the human survivors and to The Kingdom of Houtua after so long in 20 long years and for that it seems have to be found some measure of peace and happiness with his new family.

Some time after in the future, Haruo and Zecora live together on the island kingdom with their child who was now born and the citizen's children of the natives, The people of Zebra Queen Zecora's Kingdom, and groups of children conducts a ritual honoring and placing their prayers under an effigy at a shrine honoring the ancestor's
Last King and Last Queen for the kingdom.

Then, Haruo and Zecora
(The Star-Cross'd Lovers') looked at their new dawn of the sun rising up as the wind breezed into their skin and they'd share themselves their kiss while standing to a rocky cliff of seas and waters and they live happily ever after.

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