"Act III: The Battlement Fights And Wars Begins "

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Back at Naga's laboratory, One of her scientist friends impatience and the unexpected change of their plans that have now been caused by the teleportation signal cameras for finding Naga as they think that she is to be diverted through an unknown planet or they'd find only Naga's discarded chrysalis wacky talky behind.

But as a result; They have come down to their griming conclusion of horror that this that they're seeing is a horrifying twist, They saw a tall, malformed, skeletal, towering, winged, darken figure which it looks like "Horrific Beastly Monster" was beamed into one of the teleportation signal cameras as in which for some chaos with some confusion ensued and the technicians scientist panicked and they knew that she has kidnapped and devoured Miana.

The inky slimy medusa creature quickly escaped and it is now on the loose as it the intermittent darkness now flashes of light revealed the shattered and empty teleportation tube.

Then, A power outage plunged the chamber into total lightest out as the scientists panicked helplessly restrained, They tried to trap the supposed inky slimy medusa monster by disguising some bait when this fails, They try to manage to encase the inky slimy medusa monster in a bubble and releases it outside of the door an into the attempt the lab.

However, The slimy medusa is on the loose again in parts of the underground, So everyone started to chase after it and beating the creature to Slinky and Rainbow Dash's workmen homes, They warned Dash and Pinkie that both of whom scoff at the big creature with one good look at their faces, The two are scared, They started to senseless and run away as their discarded undergarments leaving everyone to believe they were also eaten as everyone ran for their lives.

Derpy and Pinkie are also being stalking by the slimy medusa and runs for their lives when Jordan finds them, He asks what's wrong and sees the slimy medusa chasing them and Lonny rescues them just in time from danger and an army of monsters attack the inn's laboratory and destroying it, but everyone escapes for in order to warn the Queen, Everyone inside the lab decide to beat the mob to the castle.

While others saw the medusa monster approach cautiously and an unsuccessful attempt by into chase the "Medusa Monster" down, they all venture and alarmed to find their suspect that an intruder has invaded.

But, The servant citizens of the people of The UnderGround Village Kingdom City Of Houtua are able to keep the lynch mob at bay and attacked them as all of the mob shrieked and ran for their lives.

General Mantis ignites the kingdom's rebellions among for the people of Houtua who have had enough of Parthus's Evil Tyrannys of her destructions and then they went off to battle while the others went to The Houtua's Kingdom Island's Battlement Watchtowers while some of The Tital 5 looks for Zecora.

On the night's sky, The stars of the planets are aligned, The seas turned holed and unleashes upon the sky, and the gate way down below revealed to the prisoned cage of the Titans opens and Parthus unleashes and sets free the Titans of Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos, and Cyclops from Tartarus to destroy their god, Godzilla Earth to this planet.

Parthus now descends her spiral and this leads to her next plot of her plans to overthrow Zecora and rule all overThe Houtua's Kingdom Island by turning and using to The Fates and her Evil Witches for help after entering to her caved lair where Metphies was once inside, She resolves to find herself to do the way to get both Haruo & Zecora.

With using a potion with some Black Mummy Dust to make her dark skin all blackish ink drips and to shroud her gray fur of her beast form as her blackish of night, To change her voice by using a changelings' evil cackles,To whiten her reddish eyes with a scream of fright with tyrannical's emanating misted firing eyes from Sauron's red heated flames, A blast of vulnerable's wind to fan of umbrum's revengeful hate of umbra, A thunderbolt to mix her powers well and begins her greatest vermin magical spell to transform herself into her most powerful strongest beast lord in the world-able to deceive on both of the lovers.

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