"Act I: The Captain And The Queen Ruler's Beginning"

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When the next day arrives,
Captain Haruo Sakaki wakes up into the dawn's morning sunrise where he finds out himself inside the strange remote safe house area hut and Naga (Now all grown up as into a teenaged - adult alicorn pony) sleeping inside the hut.

Then, Haruo began to regain his bearings and attempts to exit the hut's place after Naga awakens from her slumber, But only that he'd to startle with Zecora: The Zebra Queen Ruler
(Now all grown up as a full adult half human and half Zebra with darkened blue wing, a long black grayed and lighted blueish raining tail, and with her grayed and lighted blue raining hair) who was returning there.

But then, Both Zecora and Naga run away, trying to flee off from him out of the hut and into the forest's jungle and Haruo began to chase after them and began thinking about who is that beautiful girl in a blackish cloak that who's saved his life back there in the first time.

But, Zecora and Naga were gone so too fast and they disappeared easily to outrun him.

Haruo decides that he needs to contact the Aratrum and tries to locate a nearby surviving The Landing Ship as he walks through the forest, He notes that the woman and the alicorn pony hides as he advances but advances when he stops.

Then, Zecora's eyes glowed and shines into a pinkish colorful magic as she begins to daydream like it's a love potion's spell, Shocked and surprised as Zecora still looked at Haruo leaving to the the creature's swamp of it's arms with into her awareness, Zecora muses on her first encounter with Haruo and both her and Naga decides to go warn him out the creature's armed swamp.

Haruo detects a heat source on the other side of a marsh-like area and believes it might be The Landing Ship as he starts crossing to the marsh to reach it, Zecora and Naga stops on the edge of the marsh and shouts out to warn him of the impending danger.

Zecora mimics the exclamation that she heard Haruo say earlier.

Then, She telepathically transmits a warning to Haruo's mind and he notices that the vine-like tentacles writhing in the marsh in front of him.

Haruo exits the marsh and thanks the woman for helping him and introduces himself and Zecora obviously knows much about her English Language.

Haruo asks her name is and Zecora introduces herself that she The Queen Of Her Island Of Houtua including Naga, Suddenly she receives a telepathic signal and runs off into the jungle and Haruo tries to chase after her and asking if any other humans survived, but to no avail.

Then, He receives a radio communication from Master Sergeant Yuko Tani and tries to find her position and Yuko is assembled with Major Rilu-Elu Belu-Be, Second Lieutenant Adam Bindewald, and Corporal Marco Ghione in the wreckage of a Multipodal Battery, where they are cornered by an unknown assailant, With Yuko informs Belu-be that she made contact with Haruo, but he tells her now is not the time.

The soldiers all open fire on the assailant with their Infantry-Employed Electromagnetic Induction Rifles, but are unable to hit it and the mysterious attacker fires an arrow that narrowly misses Adam's head and penetrates the Battery's armor with the others out of ammo, Yuko fires her last bullet at a tree and manages to knock the attacker to the ground and they approach the fallen assailant and remove its mask, revealing it as another tribal woman who looks identical to the one Haruo saw, But the woman jumps back to her feet and runs back off into the jungle.

Shortly after, Zecora and Naga appears from the jungle, along with Haruo who asks his comrades to stand down, but they protest by saying the queen attacked them.

Marco panics and fires his gun at the queen and purposely missing her to the right as Haruo tries to explain that the queen and the alicorn pony were with him the whole time, But as Zecora explains to everyone that there is a problem, She snaps her fingers and Naga whistled with her hoof and the survivors are all surrounded by other tribal people with wielding weapons, Spears, and Bows.
They all stand down and surrender to them and are escorted to
The Underground Village Kingdom City Of Houtua.

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