after school detention

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I walked to the heads office with jerkface at my heels. Mind you I was actually having quite a nice little nap back in English. So when we got to the office Mr Morrison told us that he would kindly let us off but we had after school detention!

So yeah I was pretty much stuck with jerkface for an hour after school!

I went through some lessons until our break came.

I went to the school cafeteria hoping to see L and talk to her because I really just wanted my best friend right now. I went over to my table to find my sister Clem sitting on it with a deadly and lethal  looking face...

God I really didn't have the energy right now for this.......

So I turned to walk away but I couldn't.

"Nat!" my sister called out

I groaned mentally

"hey Clem how are you? Hows your first day of school been?"

"good actually! How about you?"


"really? So there wasn't any swearing in the English class and being sent to the head and having after school detention?"

"what do you want Clem?"

"I want you to stop ruining every chance you get in everything!"

"so you think I'm ruining everything oh okay well you know what Clem sorry I'm not Mrs perfect like you okay! Deal with it"

At that I turned around and stomped off. so much for the first day if school!

The day passed by really boringly I had no classes with L and I never really got a chance to talk with her.

My last lesson was history I actually enjoyed it Mrs thatcher wasn't that bad, she was quite nice and plus history has always kinda been my favourite subject. The bell rung signalling the end of school and everyone ran out of the classroom (not literally) to go to there homes I would probably be doing the same if It wasn't for jerkface!

I walked to the detention room and eyed some scary and gothic looking students with the weird nose piercings and stuff  there were two people making out in the corner slobbering all over eachother the sight made me feel like my breakfast was going to come back up to say hi to the world. I ignored it went to the back of the class. The teacher who was sitting at the front of the classroom was pretty chill I must admit.

I took out the skittles that I had left from the morning. I honestly don't know what I would do sometimes without them!

At that moment the dreaded Tom Jones aka jerkface entered the classroom and out of all the seats he decided to sit in the one next to me, I took my bags and got up but I didn't get far since he grabbed my wrist.

"you don't want to sit next to me?" he questioned, I swear I almost saw some pain in his eyes but whatever it was his usual smirk had covered it up again.

I replied my voice drenched in sarcasm "no shit sherlock!"

"go and you won't get your skittles"

God I was such a dumbass I left my skittles on the table and now they are in the devils hands!

I was just about to sit and take them but I resisted the temptation of the rainbow and walked away to another seat. It felt so bad leaving my babies (skittles) behind but what's gotta be done's gotta be done!

I sat bored and infuriated for the whole hour wondering how he found it so normal To just talk to me like that after he scored me a detention on the first day of school!

Detention was over and I walked out to the car park to go to my sisters Car. But then realisation overtook me my sister had already left....

I decided to walk to my house it shouldn't take 15 mins

So  I walked for a while but my feet had already started aching suddenly I heard a noise come up from behind me I turned around to see Tom on his motorcycle!

He kept on riding slowly next to me


"nope nothing but are you gonna walk to your house or do you wanna hop on?"

"gee thanks but no thanks!" I reply sarcastically

I carry on walking each step killing me even more.

All the while jerkface was driving slowly beside me.

I turned to him irritated "are you not gonna go?"

"nope not really so unless you want me to stay then you should let me take you home!"

I think about, I mean nothings wrong with him taking me home I mean that doesn't make us friends!

So I hop on but make it clear

"I still hate you jerkface"

"jerkface?" he questions in total laughter

I feel my cheeks burning up but ignore it.

I got home and didnt bother thanking him. I don't think he cares anyways he just drove off!

I walk up the path that leads to the door and knock......


What do you think I know there is a lot of mistakes and when I say a lot I mean a lot but yeah try to ignore them vote comment and read! <3

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