the lake

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So me And zack walked a bit until he descended to sit on the grass in has hand was a bag full of beer and his other his mobile phone.

I did the same and sat down.

So I looked towards him in query,

"how did you find this place it is like in the middle of nowhere?! But I've got to say it is really breathtaking!I mean wow!"

"what can I say! I'm amazing "

Here we go again with the sarcasm... I love it lol

"you wish!"

He ignores my reply and carries on

"I used to come here a lot in the summer it is my thinking space but now it's yours as well!"

I smile to myself..

Cutting the silence I look towards and ask

" where's the beer!"

He hands me bottle in my hand

He warns me sheepishly "don't get drunk though"

I smirk back at him and open my beer

I gulp down a bit then look up at him

"so how are you and sasha?"

"were good I mean she is one busy girl for sure but we're good!"

"that's great!"

"how are you and Tom?"

"what do you think?" I reply my voice drenched in sarcasm!

"I'm guessing hating eachother guts!"

"spot on"

"the thing is you know he has seriously got some nerve I mean he thinks he can come back into my life after what he did and I don't know and expect me to be his friend or something I mean I really don't know he is either really ignorant and rude or he is just plain stupid!"

"wow that was a speech!"

I don't reply and sit quietly my eyes imagining Tom Jones shirtless with his abs and all....

I snap myself out of it though as I promised myself I would believer ever go back to even thinking about him...

I look in front of me to the now black lake and consider jumping in!

I think I've had too much to drink...

"let's jump in the lake zack!"

"are you crazy Nat!"

He doesn't wait for an answer

"oh wait you are!" he sniggers

At that I decide that I will jump in.

I walk up to the lake and as soon as I hear zack coming up behind me I run faster towards the lake and dive in!

Suddenly I'm surrounded by water and dark coldness

I don't really know what goes through my head but I suddenly start singing Katy Perry last Friday night taking note that its not even a Friday lol but I don't care because honestly I feel happy and I feel free for once in my life from all the shit

I'm free.....

Me and zack get out after a while and go back to the car I am literally gonna get leukemia or something I'm frozen to the bone!

Me and zack drive back to my house in silence he drops me off and we say our salutations and I go off to my bedroom window from the garden and jump in!

I stopped worrying about sneaking out from a long time I mean I know all the ropes! Lara has taught me a lot when you come and think about it

Which reminds me I want to talk to her!

I call her and still no answer.

Oh this girl is really gonna get it tomorrow!

I suddenly wonder why didn't Sandra come to school yet?

Oh yeah I forgot she is at her stepdads place in california till next Monday!

I take a quick shower to clean off the smell of the lake and slip on my winnieg the pooh nightie and snuggle up into my bed and fall asleep.


Yayy fast update!!!  :)

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