Ideas and skittle packets!

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Dedicated to emankhalil5 <3


Lara, took me home early today and said that I was sick to the school, so me and her are at my house right now, she sat me down on a chair and looked up at me..

"Nat you can't keep letting yourself down like this.."

"I don't think I'm over him.. I mean I don't Know!"

"I do though, I know that he is just toying with your head and that for a fact I saw him kiss your sister!"

"yeah but he said he was drunk and he wasn't thinking properly!"

"we have all been drunk Natalie, we don't go kissing our girlfriends sisters, look, I'm not denying that on that Friday it was sasha who kissed him, because that is true and she admitted it herself, but he kissed your sister and drunk or not he still did it out of his own will!"

I sat there in shock because until that moment I had presumed that my sister was wrong and she was the mean and evil one who tried stealing my boyfriend, but could it be that it was actually him... All this time I had trying to be making some excuse for him when all along it was all him...

A sharp pang of pain pricked me in the heart! And tears threatened to fall from my eyes, when suddenly I felt lara's warm hand on my arm! I looked at her and attempted a smile even though we both knew how fake it was..

Suddenly lara's face lit up.

I looked at her a look filled with confusion and questioning..

She suddenly said in a loud and perky voice.

"well, since it's not your sister who kissed him and you know now the truth, how about if you make amends between you two and confront her!"

At that I smiled to myself but then the smile overtook my face! I loved that idea, the thing Is that I love my sister and I can't stand us always fighting and having disagreements!

Seriously may god bless my best friend!

I'm gonna wait today for Clementine to come home from school and then we can sit down and have a chat!

I am know definite that Tom Jones will never get into my head let alone my heart ever again, he simply doesn't deserve it!

At that moment I was Beaming!

I looked at lara once again and grabbed her into a bear hug! I honestly dont know what I would do without her...

So after that we went downstairs to get something to eat...

I went to the kitchen opened my cupboard of safety skittles, took a pack out and threw it to lara!

Lara looked at me more like stared at me in disbelief, until I asked,


"are you seriously giving Me one of your skittles!"

"I think so!"

I reply with a chuckle

She does one of those cute girly squeals and opens the pack!

We head to the living room and switch on the TV and watch America's next top model!

It's not long before we are interrupted by the doorbell!

It must be Clementine...

Lara doesn't wait to tell me anything she just grabs her bag heads to the door and exits quickly not even saying goodbye!

Clem stands at the doorway a bit shocked at the quick movement...

She stays in her spot in shock at the doormat for a while before she enters......


So that's that! I'm sorry to anyone who had hope in Tom and Natalie falling for eachother again :'(  but yeah! The story has took a whole new turn!

As usual vote comment and read!!!!! <3

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