Sweet Home Indiana

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A/N: This is roughly edited because I just wrote it & wanted to post it.
Votes & comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading ❤️
This is fluff btw (I'm working on some smut though!)
I groaned as my alarm began blaring.
"5:30 already?!" I thought to myself as I struggled to get out of bed.
Being pregnant and taking care of a 2 year old alone is not the easiest job; sleep is pretty much nonexistent at this point.
I look back at the bed where Olivia is sleeping and thank god she didn't wake up.
I quietly open the door and make my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.
I grab the phone off the wall and dial the number I know so well.
Then finally, "Good morning baby", Izzy's voice filled my ears and I couldn't help but smile.
"How did the show go tonight?"
Time differences were a bitch and with Izzy being sober now 5:30 was the latest I could sleep while still being able to call him before he went to bed.
"Good I guess, Axl actually showed up on time" he chuckled dryly.
"Oh that's good" I said sweetly, trying to keep the conversation from taking a turn.
Axl isn't a good topic of conversation these days.
"Yeah the whole band stays fucked up constantly but we sound great together or at least the fans think we do."
I could just see him shrugging his shoulder.
I heard him flick his lighter as he lit a cigarette.
"Well the fans are what's important, right?" I say as I sip my coffee.
"Yeah but enough about all that how are my girls?" I could hear the smile in his voice.
"We're doing good. I don't get much sleep because Olivia insists on sleeping in our bed with me but other than that we're doing good" I laugh and so does Izzy.
"Well it's better than sleeping alone I guess" he laughed again.
"Not really! If it's not Liv's feet in my back it's the baby's" I huff
"How is she?"
"He is doing great! I went to get an ultrasound yesterday afternoon and he's right on track with his weight and everything."
We had been arguing over what the sex was since we found out I was pregnant and we thought it'd be more fun to wait until the birth to find out.
I heard Izzy laugh at my correction.
"What makes you so sure it's a boy? Did you peak at the doctors office?" His smirk was audible.
"Of course not! It's just a feeling. I knew Olivia was a girl!"
"Yeah that's why you called her Izzy jr for the first month." He laughed
"Well, in the end I was right so me: 1, you: 0" I giggled
"We'll see. The guys have a bet going on"
I heard him light another cigarette.
"Lovely. Who thinks it's a boy?"
"Steven and Slash both have place their faith, and their money, in you and your feeling but Duff sided with me."
I laughed at the thought of them arguing over our baby.
"What about Axl?" I asked apprehensively.
"I don't even think he knows your pregnant again." I could hear the disdain in Izzy's voice.
"Izzy I'm sure he knows, he's not that self absorbed."
"Could've fooled me" Izzy mumbled.
I rolled my eyes at how childish they both were being.
"Well I've gotta get off here babe, I've got to get some sleep" Izzy said.
"Oh okay, well, enjoy that nice, big, empty bed while you can because it won't be long and you'll be back home" I laughed.
"I'd much rather be in a bed with you and Olivia than here"
He sounded so sad.
"I'm not trying to make you feel bad so don't start crying! I'm having a great time! I'm going out to titty bars and trashing hotel rooms just like you told me to! Don't worry about me!"
He tried to hide his laugh but failed.
I laughed too, even though I knew he was lying.
"You promise you're having a good time?"
"I swear, now go. Have a good day, tell the dogs I love them and give Liv a big hug and kiss for me!"
I hated to end calls with him. It made me cry every time.
And just like he could read my mind, "and don't you dare start crying when you hang up, I mean it! Go out and do things and have fun. I'll be home soon, just a few more weeks."
"Okay, I love you Iz, call me tonight." I could feel the tears in my eyes.
"I love you too , have a good day I'll talk to you soon. Bye babe"
And then he hung up and I immediately broke my promise.
Pregnancy hormones are bad enough but add in your partner being gone for months at a time and you have the perfect storm of hormones and emotions.
I had a good cry while I drank my coffee and then I heard little feet hit the floor.
I sat away from the door and I didn't turn around when I heard Olivia sneak into the room.
"Boo!" She screamed and I acted terrified.
She immediately made me happier with her brown little curls and her eyes that looked just like Izzy's.
"I gotcha mama!" She squealed.
"You did! I almost fell out of my chair!"
I picked her up and she laughed as I tickled her.
"Guess who I talked to this morning?" I looked at her mysteriously and she paused to think.
I saw her eyes light up when she realized who I was talking about, "Daddy?"
"Yep he said he loves you very much and he told me to give you these" I hugged her tight and kissed her head as she giggled.
"When will he be home?" She asked
"Soon baby. But until he is home, what do you say we make some breakfast and figure out what we're going to do today?!" I got up to go to the fridge and plastered a fake smile on my face so she wouldn't get upset.
It's not that I wasn't happy to be with her, I just missed Izzy; we both missed Izzy.


By the time supper time rolled around we were both exhausted.
We'd spent the day playing in the sprinkler and jumping on the trampoline so a supper of box macaroni was all I had the energy to make.
Not that Olivia cared; she was thrilled.
"Can we eat on the couch?" She put on her best puppy dog eyes and I couldn't say no.
"Yes but you have to pinky promise not to tell daddy" I whispered.
She held out her pinky and we sealed the deal before taking our food to the living room.
"What do you want to watch?" I knew what she was going to say.
"Daddy!" She all but demanded and I was more than happy to oblige; even if I had seen that tape a million times.
I popped the tape in the VCR and watched her little face light up with excitement as GN'R at the Ritz started to play.
Should I be letting my almost 3 year old watch a rock concert so many times she knows it word for word? Probably not but who cares she loves it.
We ate and clapped and sang along for a while before she started to get sleepy.
"Ready for bed Liv?"
She could barely hold her eyes open but it was funny to watch her try.
"No I'm not sleepy yet."
"Okay baby" I smiled as I watched her continue to nod off and wake back up over and over again.
Once I knew she was out for good I took her to bed so I could start cleaning the kitchen up.
I was halfway finished with the dishes when I heard a noise.
I almost missed it with the tape still playing but I definitely heard something at the door.
"What the fuck?" I thought to myself.
I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was a spatula, and got ready to beat whoever was about to come through my door.
My heart was pounding out of my chest as the door started to open.
I decided to run but just as I was about to take off down the hallway I heard a voice.
"Y/n? What the fuck are you doing awake and why do you have a spatula?" Izzy looked genuinely confused but I was too happy to care.
I ran and jumped in his arms.
"What are you doing here?!" I squealed as I hugged him tighter.
"Let me breath and I'll tell you!" He wheezed as I let him go.
"We had a few weeks break so I decided to come home. I missed you guys too much I had to see you! And I wanted to surprise you but you're awake so I guess that didn't go as planned" he laughed
"Yeah we ate supper in the living room and watched Olivia's favorite movie" I pointed to the tv where the tap was almost finished playing.
"Nice choice"
"Yeah I just put her down if you want to go see her." I said as I went to grab his bags for him.
"What are you doing? You're not supposed to be lifting stuff!" He swatted my hand away.
I rolled my eyes and went to go finish the dishes but he stopped me.
He grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me into him, "hey, wanna go make out on the couch?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I couldnt stop laughing as he walked us to the couch.
I forgot how nice his lips felt and I was thoroughly enjoying acting like a teenager until my daughter started crying and I came back to reality.
"Come on, let's surprise her!" I giggled as Izzy grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom.
I pushed open the door and Izzy hung back in the hallway.
"What is it Liv?" I walked to the side of the bed and reached out to brush her hair out of her eyes.
"There is a monster under the bed" she cried.
This had been happening a lot and I didn't tell Izzy because he's the one that usually handles this kind of thing and it had been rough on Olivia. I didn't want him to feel bad so I left that part out of our phone calls.
"Well what if I told you I had a monster exterminator in the house right now?" I whispered loud enough for Izzy to hear me.
"Really?" She looked at me with those big brown, tear filled eyes and I nodded.
"Did someone call for a monster exterminator?" Izzy's raspy voice cut through our whispers and she was out of my grasp and into his arms before I could even blink.
"Daddy!!!" She squealed as he picked her up and hugged her tight.
"Hey princess! Did you miss me?" Their smiles were huge and I knew mine was too.
"Yes!" She threw her tiny arms around his neck.
"I missed you too" he said as he smothered her in kisses.
"Can you come to bed now daddy?" She looked up at him with her puppy dog eyes and he was putty in her hand.
I know it hard to imagine a member of the most dangerous band in the world giving into a child's wishes but it happens a lot more often than you'd think.
He laid her down and slipped off his shoes and climbed into bed.
He patted the spot next to him, signaling for me to join them and I was glad to.
I laid down and almost immediately fell into the best sleep I'd had in months.
Both the babies slept all night too so I know Izzy had something to do with it.
The next morning my alarm went off at 5:30 and I didn't hesitate to turn the clock off.
I felt Izzy wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my shoulder.
"No more 5:30 am wake up calls" he whispered in my ear.
I nodded before snuggling into him.
His presence was more than enough to put me at ease and before I knew it I was falling back to sleep to the sound of Izzy's heart beat and Olivia's tiny little snores.
"I wouldn't trade this for all the big, nice, empty beds in the world." I though to myself as I finally drifted off.

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