Bottle of Jack and a Top Hat

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A/N: This was originally posted by itself (before I had this book) and I thought it should be here too since it is a one shot. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote! ❤️❤️

"Today is your birthday, we're going to spend it doing whatever you want to do!" That's what Duff said right before he dragged me out to the nearest bar, against my will. It's not that I didn't wanna have fun it's just that I wasn't in the mood to be around all these people. I would've much rather spent the night with all the guys getting fucked up at the house but no they insisted, "it's your birthday, we have to get you laid!" Axl said.

Now we were sat in the VIP section of The Cathouse getting pretty drunk which I was happy about. I was actually starting to have a good time until Axl came back from the bathroom with this little brunette under his arm and a wicked smile on his face. "Slash, this is Samantha, Samantha this is Slash". I gave Axl a what the fuck look. I'd just broken up with my girlfriend, Renee, a week earlier and I really wasn't in the mood to have some bimbo groupie hanging all over me.

"Can I have some?" Those were the first words out of her mouth; not, nice to meet you, not even happy birthday, she just asked for some of my Jack Daniels. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly handed her the bottle and a glass; she bypassed the glass all together and put my bottle straight to her lips. "So, Axl told me it's your birthday, is that true or do you guys just use that to get into girls pants?" She smirked as she handed me back the bottle. "It is true, but we have used that line to get girls before." I smirked back. I watched her from underneath my hair and I could tell she was trying very hard to get a better look at my face. "Well, true or not, that line isn't going to work on me." She shot back. We sat there passing the bottle of JD back and forth for a while before Duff, Steven and Izzy returned to the table. Duff slid in first, sitting beside Samantha. He looked a little shocked when I handed her my bottle and I didn't blame him; I never shared with anyone I don't know why I had shared with her. "Hi, I'm Duff" he said with a smile which Samantha quickly returned, "I'm Samantha, Axl brought me over here thinking I would sleep with Slash just because it's his birthday" she giggled. She was kinda cute. "Well if you aren't going to sleep with him then why are you still here" Axl butted in. Of course he was going to scare her off just when I was beginning to think she was cute. "I don't have anywhere better to be" she shrugged her shoulders, completely unfazed by Axl's bluntness. I stifled a laugh, the look on Axl's face was priceless. "So we're just your entertainment until something better comes along?" Duff asked, mock hurt all over his face and a hand over his heart. She laughed and nodded her head before answering, "Yeah I guess so".

After a few more minutes of passing the bottle back and forth I could tell she was getting tipsy. Her and Duff were deep in conversation about something and I took the time to really take her in. She had pretty long brown hair, light green eyes and pink lips that curled into a smile as she laughed at something Duff said. Just as I turned my attention away from her I saw her reach over out of the corner of my eye. I thought she was reaching for the bottle but then I felt her lift my hat off my head and place it on hers. It covered her eyes completely and she thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I was a little pissed off; I don't like people touching my hat, especially people who haven't said hardly two words to me all night. "Give it back" I grumbled but she just smiled at me from underneath my hat. "You better give it back Samantha, he gets mad when people steal his hat" Duff said, looking kind of nervous. "But it looks so cute on me!" She pouted out her lip and if it wouldn't have been my hat on her head she would've been cute but I wanted my hat back. I reached over and grabbed it off her head, she looked at me with huge eyes, her drunkenness adding to the shock. Then a smirk came across her face,"what are you afraid I'll wear it better than you do?" She was getting on my nerves but she was also cute so I played her little game, "impossible" I said taking a sip of my JD before she took the bottle. This girl must have a death wish! "Give it back!" I yelled as I reached for it but she held it just out of reach. "I want the hat back" she smirked. We went back and forth for a while before some of the guys started to leave. "Guys I'm heading home, if you need me, don't need me" Axl said as he got up, told me happy birthday one last time and left. Izzy was quick to follow and Steven left after him with some chick. That left me and Samantha, who weren't talking cause she still had my Jack and I still had my hat on my head, and Duff. I watched as she sipped from my bottle and I wanted to reach over and jerk it away from her but, for some reason, I didn't. She wasn't even paying me any mind at all; she was giving Duff, and his stupid jokes, her undivided attention. I just sat in the corner, sulking over the fact that she still wouldn't give me my Jack back. Then, duff gets up to leave and Samantha starts to pout which kind of hurts my feelings for some reason. "Are you ready to go man?" Duff asked as he stands up. "No I don't have my JD" I said, looking back at Samantha who was still pouting. "Duff don't leave, we were having so much fun!" She whined. Ouch I guess she really wasn't interested in me; not that I care. "Well you'll have to continue the fun with Slash, he'll be more fun if you give him his bottle back" Duff laughed and turned back to me, "Play nice and I'll see you tomorrow, happy birthday" he said patting me on the shoulder.

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