Meeting Kyoto Yamato

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(-Kyoto Yamato-)

When i looked in her room and saw her all hugged up with that guy i was furious. Hi im Emperor Kyoto. I'm wealthy, Famous, and divined. The Fujiwara family supports my wealth. I remember when i saw Angela she was gorgeous i was always 4 years older than her. She was so pretty in her little dress. I mean Angel is pretty to but not compared to Angela. I was supposed to be her husband. Since I’m 20 and her birthday is coming up she will turn 17 and i will then be able to wed her as my wife, have kids, and grow old. But, if that guy is around i don't know if it will happen. I have to find out who he is. How do i even know them? In Japan i didn't have a lot of power but i was religious.  I did the religious ceremonies. In our religion we worshiped spirits called Kami. They were spirits in everything. We also believed in our ancestors spirits and we called the religion Shinto... Well this is what we believe in.

As i was talking to Chan i realized i saw the boy Angela was with. I asked Him who is he said “oh! That is Jack. He is one of our servants. He cleans, cook sometimes, and takes care of things” i don't care he might seem like a nice boy but he isn't to me he’s after my girl but i am not going to let that happen.

                                    (-Angela Fujiwara-)

Me and Jack have been shopping. Having fun. At first people were looking at him with disgust in their eyes but i stopped that really quick. He may be considered lower than me but he was a very nice guy who was human like me. I saw him on the same level. I wasn't like my family. We went back and he told me he went to check on his mother and she got worst. I felt terrible. When my family and Jack went to sleep. I called my doctor and told him to go to Jack’s house. I met him there. He checked her and i woke her up to give her the medicine. “Miss Suni” i whispered. She didn't respond so i tried again. She finally woke up and smiled at me “Angela is that you? How you been Sweetie?” i smiled back “I’ve been Good Mama Suni. How are you feeling?” Her smile faltered.” I'm feeling ok.”  I started to get sad so i changed the subject. “I called the doctor. He gave you some medicine” i gave it to her. “You have to take a dose every morning and night until your better!” She smiled big. It looked like her cheeks were hurting. I smiled big too. I told her to look under her bed. I then walked out and went back home to sleep with a good conscious, mind, and soul smiling like i was having the greatest dream.

                                                (-Jack Suni-)

            As weeks past i haven't been able to hang out with Angela that much or see my mother. I missed her and my family. I see Jason with Sue. They have a crush on each other. He knows they can’t be because she's rich and were poor. 

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