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(A/N: I've been meaning to title this on a chapter of this fic xD and this is the last chap!)

"Wanyin..." Lan Xichen called as he looked at Jiang Cheng's flushed face that's streaming with tears. "Wanyin – " he called as he immediately wiped Jiang Cheng's tears. "I'm sorry – I didn't mean to hurt you – " he told him, feeling panicked. He looked at their messy clothes and the white stains on both their clothes and the floor.

Jiang Cheng turned to Lan Xichen and stared at him. "Do you know where you're wrong?" he asked.

Lan Xichen's eyes flashed with guilt. "I shouldn't have been impatient – " he said as he bit his lips. He looked at the kiss marks he made on Jiang Cheng's body.

"Do you regret what just happened?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Lan Xichen froze. Then, he stared at Jiang Cheng's eyes. His gaze firm. "No." he answered. "I love you, that's why I did this. I shouldn't regret my love." He said.

Jiang Cheng finally smiled. "You're not totally an idiot then." He said as he raised his hands and reached Lan Xichen's face. "... finally... I can see it in your eyes..." he said as he cried. He's cupping Lan Xichen's face with his hands as he stared at those deep and dark but gentle eyes that's filled with love.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide as he looked at Jiang Cheng in shock. He finally realized. "You're holding back because you can't see I'm in love with you?!" he asked.

Jiang Cheng nodded. "That's why I took the risk of confirming your feelings by using my body." He said as he laughed, feeling happy. This is the greatest bet he had, since he won big time.

Lan Xichen stared at Jiang Cheng, then held his face. "Do you want to see how in love am I to you?" he asked, his voice almost in a whisper and hoarse.

He didn't wait for Jiang Cheng to answer as he immediately demonstrated it, the most practical way. He held back himself too much to gain favor of Jiang Cheng, not realizing that's the reason why Jiang Cheng is holding himself back.

Jiang Cheng's laugh was stuck on his throat when Lan Xichen kissed him. He can't see the love in Lan Xichen's eyes, that's why he never let himself be close towards the man. Also –

"I'm already satisfied... watching him from afar..." he muttered as the wind blew and carried his voice away. He raised his head and looked at the dark sky filled with sparkling stars. A smile formed on his lips – neither happy nor sad. He looked at the direction where Lan Xichen was standing. He can't see his tall and white figure anymore. He sighed, then turned his back as he resumed walking.

He's satisfied with how the things the way they are. That's the way he thought, before. Now –

He looked at Lan Xichen on top of him, love reflected in each other's eyes as they stared at each other. They're panting, and their naked body was bathed in sweat. However, they just can't get enough of each other.

Seeing your future with him... spending a lifetime with him... feeling your soul resonate with him... all these because you love him –

From strangers to lifetime partners... this is the greatest satisfaction.

(A/N: I should've entitled this as satisfaction, but... nah. Also, if we're friends in facebook, you'll know the first line 'from strangers to lifetime partners' is a quote I made for YiZhan – Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan ^_^)

P.S.: this ends the fic here. Two (?) more extras will be up later!

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