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(A/N: sorry for the delay. JC's sassiness is here!!!)

If you want to be brave, then overcome your cowardice. Lan Xichen thought as he looked at the entrance of the Lotus Pier. After 'getting' Wei Wuxian's approval after he told him he'd propose to Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen immediately flew to Lotus Pier. However, the courage he accumulated was flown away while flying in the sky after he saw Lotus Pier. He almost fell off from Shuoye when his nervousness kicked in his system again. However, he's already in Lotus Pier. He can't back out now.

He took a deep breath as he stepped inside. However, his breath hitched and he choked when he saw Jiang Cheng sitting still. His back is straight, his head lowered as he signed the documents on his table. Lan Xichen felt he's going to have a heart attack as he watched Jiang Cheng. Now that I realize my feelings, here they are again. He thought as he held his chest. He felt his knees go weak when Jiang Cheng, probably noticed his gaze on him and his presence, raised his head and looked at him.

"Sect leader Lan." Jiang Cheng called when he saw him.

Lan Xichen felt his face and neck went red when he heard his voice. His heart skipped beats, almost making him faint on the spot as Jiang Cheng's voice stirred his heart. He took a deep breath to calm himself as he took a step forward, almost making himself tripped on the flat floor when he felt his knees are weak. "Sect leader Jiang – " he called when he found his voice as he took another step from his other foot to balance himself.

Jiang Cheng's forehead furrowed when he saw Lan Xichen standing almost motionless on the spot. "Sect leader Lan." He called. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

Lan Xichen swallowed the lump on his throat when he heard Jiang Cheng's worried voice. Ah – he thought as he closed his eyes, savoring the timbre of the voice in his ears. Wanyin... he thought as he slowly opened his eyes and calmly looked at Jiang Cheng who was looking at him, confusion in his round and bright eyes.

It takes a second to know of a person, a minute to realize your feelings towards them, but – he thought as he took another step towards Jiang Cheng, his gaze never leaving the other's face. – it is a lifetime the time you want to spend with them. He smiled as he stopped not far from Jiang Cheng. "Sect leader Jiang." He called.

Jiang Cheng's brows raised as he watched Lan Xichen. ... did I miss something? He thought when he saw Lan Xichen's behavior seemed to change. I think I missed something – his forehead furrowed as he think. "Sect leader Lan." He said, finally dismissing the thoughts as he looked at Lan Xichen. "What brings you here?" he asked.

"Marriage." Lan Xichen answered.

Jiang Cheng paused. "... what? Marriage?" he said and looked up at Lan Xichen's face. "You're proposing marriage? Who do you want to introduce?" He asked.

"Myself." Lan Xichen calmly answered, but his heart is beating too fast as he stared at Jiang Cheng's face.

Jiang Cheng blinked. "Ah. Right. Sect leader Lan is really past his prime." he said, referring to Lan Xichen being old.

Lan Xichen felt stabbed in his old heart. He looked at Jiang Cheng, his eyes resentful after being called old.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't see it. Either he deliberately ignored it, or he just simply ignored it. "So, who does sect leader Lan wanted to marry?" He asked.

Lan Xichen stared at Jiang Cheng, his heart beating faster every second as he stared at him. "Sect leader Jiang." He answered.

"Yes?" Jiang Cheng said, he thought he is being called. "Who do you want to marry?" he asked again.

Lan Xichen pressed his thin lips. "It's sect leader Jiang." He answered. "I want to marry you, sect leader Jiang." He told him, his face serious.

Jiang Cheng froze. Then, he stared at Lan Xichen for a long time.

Lan Xichen saw Jiang Cheng's face didn't even change. He felt his heart sped up, but because of nervousness and sudden alarm. "You're... not surprised?" He can't help but ask.

"I am." Jiang Cheng answered.

How obvious. Lan Xichen thought as he looked at Jiang Cheng's stern expression. "You... looked like not surprised." He honestly said. Their clan does not permit them to lie.

Jiang Cheng looked at him. "I am, really." He said as he comfortably leaned on his seat while Lan Xichen remained standing in the middle of the room. "However, I thought about it. Sect leader Lan is starting to get old. He needs to marry someone." He said.

Lan Xichen's brows twitched as he looked at Jiang Cheng.

However, Jiang Cheng continued as if he didn't see his expression. He even took his cup and poured tea on it. "Also, I am a sect leader. Someone will propose marriage to me sooner or later." He continued. "So, marriage is just a common thing now. Now that it's the peaceful time." He explained.

Lan Xichen stared at Jiang Cheng, speechless. Then, he spoke after some time. "So... you accept my proposal?" He asked, his eyes brightened as he looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng stared at Lan Xichen. "What gave you that thought?" He asked.


"Of course, it's a 'no'." Jiang Cheng said as he looked at Lan Xichen, looking at him like he's looking at something ridiculous. "Why would I agree with you? Why should I marry you?" He asked.

(A/N: just how many proposal does JC needs to reject? XD there's the recent Name, then the What Should I Do? I can't count, really. XD sorry to cut it here.) 

P.S. fortunately, I finished this last night. Or else, I'll never had since I feel low this morning. *sigh I'm on tenterhooks since I am waiting for something that I now feel like won't arrive today. :( *sigh )

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