Chapter Ten: The Beach Day

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Max let the sand devour her fingers before pulling them out and observing the small yellow particles fall back down. Neither she or Billy were really keen on swimming, but they still changed into swimsuits. The weather was cold anyway, so they didn't spend a lot of time in the sea.

"Want some ice cream?" Steve asked as he plopped himself next to Max.

"Sure, why not," she shrugged.

Robin threw herself on Max's other side and stretched her legs. "Steve, bring me vanilla and strawberry. I ain't going anywhere." With that she passed out on the ground.

"Stay with her, I am going with Billy. Is chocolate good?"

After Max nodded, Steve jumped on his feet.

"I am gonna ask Billy too, see you soon!"

"Are you okay, Robin?" asked Max, taking a look at the girl laying next to her.

With an exaggerated sigh Robin sat back up. "I hate long car rides. It makes me tired as hell."

Max let out a chuckle.

"Look, I know this is no California, but Steve and I couldn't get more than a day off," Robin continued.

"I know. It's okay, honestly, I missed the ocean and this is the closest I got in a while," replied Max. "Robin, can I ask you something?"


"Does Billy hate me?"

"What?" Robin turned her head to Max. "No, dummy. Even if he did, that's not your problem. You don't need his validation."

Max squeezed her lips and Robin snorted.

"Seriously. Don't worry about it, Max. He likes you, he just doesn't know how to show it. He is just an idiot. Just like Steve, but the opposite, you know?"

Max nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I thought he thinks I am weird, because I like boy stuff."

"Don't feel ashamed of that. You would be surprised to know what Steve enjoys."

The girls laughed, watching the slow waves wash the shore.


"Wait up, my legs are short!" Billy yelled, sprinting to catch up to Steve.

Steve burst into laughter. "Shit, Hargrove, don't worry."

"It's not funny," Billy frowned, but the corners of his mouth disagreed.

"You are adorable like this, you know?"

"Shut your mouth, Harrington. You are adorable."

Billy cursed at himself internally. It was not supposed to come out like that. He cursed again, this time at Max's pale skin that revealed his blush too easily.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on the point of view), Steve only laughed and nodded. "I have to agree with that. I am very adorable."

"Jesus Christ, what a narcissus you are," Billy stuttered out, trying to keep himself steady.

"It's called self love, dumbass. You should try it out sometimes."

"You are unbelievable."

Steve laughed. It was one of those adorable laughs that made his eyes shinier, teeth show and left Billy wishing he was funnier. This one had a thin layer of sadness to it though, just enough to make Billy want to protect him from the world. It only hit him harder, that he was most likely the reason behind the sadness and it left a bitter taste on his tongue.

They walked in silence for a while. A couple of old, greasy men winked at Billy everytime he lagged behind Steve, forcing him to catch up. Their gaze slid down Billy's (well, Max's) body like a slime, leaving shivers behind. 

"You know, I think you should tell Max what she needs to know. You don't have to tell anyone else. Just rip it off like a bandaid, you know?" suggested Steve, not taking his eyes off the road in front of him.

Billy groaned. "It's not that easy, dumbass. If it were, I would have done it already."

"What do you mean it's not that easy?"

Steve's tone was patient and understanding, but that was not what Billy wantd to hear. He would rather bear his anger, because it would be easier to avoid the issue instead of working through it.

"Let's just say... it's not that pretty, and as annoying as she is, I don't want... I don't want her to dislike me for who I really am. It's easier to be an ass, you know?" said Billy, keeping his voice low.

"Yeah... I... I can understand that. I don't know what it is, but trust me, that girl would love you if you le her. She's really fun. Double chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, cookies and lemon for me, and what do you want Billy?" asked Steve, pointing at the ice creams behind the glass.

Billly didn't even realise that they were already by the ice cream stand. "You pick, you work with ice cream."

"Alright, so... a caramel and strawberry, please," Steve laughed, taking out his wallet. "On me."

Even if Billy would want to split, he had no money on him, because girl jeans had no pockets and he had to leave his wallet in the car, so e just took his ice cream in silence.

They headed back, both of them with two ice creams in hands, in silence.

"Honestly, I am so sick of ice cream," laughed Steve, wind blowing his hair out of his face. Billy secretly thanked it.

"Then why are you eating it?"

Steve shot him a glare and sighed. "I don't even know. Out of habit, I guess. I spend a lot of time with kids." He laughed again, but Billy could feel it was forced. "It's good though. I always get the same thing anyway."

"Wanna try mine?" Billy offered, his cheeks getting warm as he cursed Max's pale skin again.

Steve stared at him for a second too long and Billy tried to look casual, but failed miserably. After couple of seconds of awkward silence Steve shrugged. "Yeah, why not."

He bowed down, so close Billy could smell his shampoo. It smelled fancy and nice, a little bit fruity.

"Hmmm, not bad. Wanna try mine?" Steve smiled.

Billy couldn't help but return the smile, although it grew into a grin. "Sure."

Hey. So, sorry for not updating for 4 months, I lost interest, but I guess I am interested again, so I'll try to update more. I am not making any promises tho. Also sorry it's short and doesn't really move the plot forward, I guess I am better at making it slow paced. I also there might be grammar/spelling mistakes, sorry

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