Chapter Four: The Station

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The whole drive to the police station was in silence. The two cops had obviously been fighting and were in a terrible mood. Max had to bit her tongue not to say something rude to Billy.

They dropped them off at the station.

"Wait here. Chief is going to be here any minute," said the one with glasses.

Billy hissed at him.

"Calm yourself, young lady. Your brother should have taught you manners."

Max cringed.

Both cops left, laughing.

"I feel like people are talking to me differently," frowned Billy.

"Of course. Not only you are younger, but now you are a woman," Max snorted.

"Uh... Max, about that, Susan... she said some pretty... mean things. She probably didn't mean it that way, but-"

"Forget it, Billy. She thinks I am not ladylike enough. It's all bullshit. I don't care if you agree with her, I won't let you or anyone else rule my life."

Billy felt bad. He didn't want to, but he did. "I don't agree with her either," he tried, but it came out childishly.

"Great," breathed out Max. "If we already discussing our parents. Neil is a fucking psycho."

Billy tensed. "I don't want to talk about that. I am sorry you had to experience that first hand, but don't worry about it."

Max felt anxious and worried, but she still made herself roll her eyes. "Sure."

It seemed ridiculous, but Billy felt intimidated.

"Just so you know, this whole thing doesn't make us friends. If you cut all this bullshit, I am still your older brother."

Max nodded. Somewhere deep down she wished, they could have a normal sibling relationship, but she didn't expect anything from Billy.

"You shouldn't have called Neil dad," mumbled Max after a moment.


"You know damn good why. Now I'll have to call him that."

Billy shrugged. "Not my problem."

They sat in silence for a while, until Hopper entered the office.

"So, kids what did you get in trouble for?" he asked without raising eyes from a file he was reading.

Max nudged Billy with her elbow.

"Ehm... Billy was giving me driving lessons," Billy stuttered.

Hopper finally raised his eyes. "Oh hey, Max. Where have you been? El has been calling you all morning."

"We... I was kinda busy, with family... stuff."

Hopper nodded. "Yeah, I told her that. She said... some crazy stuff. Talk to her, please."

"Oh, and you must be Max's brother... Billy?" waved Hopper, like he just noticed another person here.

Max nodded.

"Boy, what happened to your face?"

Max shot Billy a glance and stammered, "I... got... into a fight?"

Hopper crossed his arms and raised eyebrows with interest.

Billy sighed and bit the inner side of his cheek.

"With whom? Please don't say that Harrington boy. Last time that happened, after we dealt with... some stuff, I had dozens of reports on you by Henderson and his party."

Billy couldn't help a grin. Max got really red in the face.

"With... a wall?"

Now it was Billy's turn to roll his eyes.

"You got into a fight with a wall," repeated Hopper skeptically.

"No! I mean, it wasn't really a fight, just some drunk guys pushed me into a wall," declared Max quickly.

Billy let out a breath in relief.

Hopper nodded. "Okay. Get that. Don't tell anyone I let you go, my colleagues just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Now please leave."

They both almost ran to the door. Just before leaving Max remembered one more thing.

"Hop, please don't tell our parents!"

Hopper waved, understanding.

Both Max and Billy left the station.

There was one more thing that bothered Hopper, but he couldn't think of what it was.


Max and Billy got into the Camaro, now with Max behind the wheel.

"If you crash, I'll kill you," muttered Billy. "Where are we even going?"

Max pulled out a walkie talkie from somewhere. Billy raised his eyebrows.

"Code- oh shit," started Max and then pushed the device into Billy's hands.

"They won't believe your voice. Push that button and say 'code red'"

It clearly hurt Max to say so, as she finally felt like a respectable member of the party, but there was nothing Billy could do about it, except for obeying her.

After a few seconds, they heard Dustin's voice.

"I copy! The meeting is at Steve's!"

Few other voices answered with 'Copy'.

Billy's eyes went wide.


"Because there are guests at Wheelers and Miss Byers has been painting her walls, " answered Dustin, annoyed. "Steve can come for you."

"Shouldn't Steve be in work?" asked Billy anxiously.

"Jesus, just come."

Max rolled her eyes. "It will be fine, Billy."

"Well, you look like me, I am worried only for you."

This warmed Max. She took the walkie talkie and hesitated a second.

"You don't have to," reminded her Billy, not knowing why he was so nice.

"Well, sooner or later, am I right?"

With that, Max pushed the button.

"Hey, here is Max, we're coming."

She knew she just freaked everyone out, but there was no coming around with it. She slapped the antenna into the walkie talkie and drove in silence.

Hey, folks who are reading this. I really hope you enjoy this, even if my writing is a little weak. I am not a native speaker, so if you see anything incorrect or unclear, feel free to comment

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