Chapter 10: The Floating World II

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Origami Girl

Chapter 10: The Floating World II


“For a lovely bowl

Let us arrange these flowers...

For there is no rice”

-Matsuo Bashou, Japanese Haikus

Ka-chan had agreed to meet me for coffee the Saturday before Adam-kun’s birthday. I had informed her earlier that I needed some help in choosing a present for someone. For whom I did not specify, because I wanted to keep the relationship between Adam-kun and I a secret, and I just had this strong feeling in my chest that Ka-chan must not know of our relationship at all costs. I don’t know, I just had a very bad feeling. It wasn’t like I did not trust Ka-chan or anything, it was just that my gut told me not to do so.

That Saturday was just like any other late September days. Autumn had begun to set in, and the drop in temperature were apparent. People had begun to wear more clothes. The day was lovely, the sun shining brightly in the sky, with the few clouds dotting the blue canvas. I sat there in a corner of Starbucks by the bay front. To be honest, I chose that place to meet up because mother recently received a Starbucks card from one of her friends.

“I don’t really go to these kind of places,” mother told me as she placed the card in front of me the other day, “Why don’t you register it under your name?”

I gladly did. I was overjoyed when I realised that I had 12,000 yen worth of credit in there, and decided to make it my meeting-up place with Ka-chan for our little shopping trip that Saturday. Besides, it was fashionable to be drinking Starbucks. All the celebrities I followed on Ameblo had their morning pick-me-up at Starbucks. Pictures of Starbucks drinks were always on my notifications. I just couldn’t get away from Starbucks. I was at first put off by the price, but then, after receiving the card, nothing was going to stop me.

I made it to Starbucks at 11 am, after a short walk from Jujigai station. We were supposed to meet at 11.30, but I came early to reserve a spot, and also because I had some work to do in the meantime. We all had a common test the following Wednesday, so I brought along a math practice paper to work on. After all, I always found myself being more focused when I had a nice, fancy drink to sip on.

Fingers punching the buttons of my calculator, I raced against the timing I set for myself as I attempted the paper. Occasionally I would take a sip from the straw of my drink, to help me calm down whenever I felt so dissed off at a problem. I bought for myself a matcha latte, with cream and vanilla. I asked for some caramel as well, and chocolate shavings to top the cream. I got myself the best drink ever.

“I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting,”

I looked up and saw Ka-chan standing in front of me.

“Ah, hello,” I replied, “Don’t worry, I deliberately came here early.”

“I see,” she said, sitting down on the armchair facing me, “You’re studying for the test?”

“Yeah,” I said, taking a sip from my drink.

“I’ll go buy myself something first,” she said, standing up and taking out her purse from her handbag.

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