What you guys fight about!

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Who's more attractive. Yes this sounds very....how do you put it, strange?

I mean don't get me wrong Leo is a very attractive turtle but you to him. He thinks of you as his beautiful/handsome goddess/god.

You think of him as your man in shinning armor.


About you wanting to become a ninja. Your a very strong person and Raph knows that but what if something happens, what if you get hurt, and what if we couldn't protect you?

He could never forgive himself if you got hurt. You know this but it always seems to get brought up when you two are alone..


Who's smarter, he mostly wins this till it comes to school and how it's run. It's weird but Donnie is obsessed with human school, probably because he wishes he could attend one. He tries to tell you how long each period of the day is, when you tell him every school is different he doesn't believe you.

Most times you just roll your eyes and nod because you don't want Donnie to go on a rant about how he knows everything about everything.


Who's better at art.

Mikey is one of the gods of art but can he beat the goddess/god of art? I think not! A lot of the time you guys will set up two canvases and see who can paint the fastest also with good quality.

Last time he won but next time he's gonna be the loser of painting.

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