Bar Fight

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~ "Now where do you think you're going?"~

Your POV

I duck behind an older demon kicking him in his family jewels while another demon comes from behind me putting me in an arm lock. I slam my head back into his face knocking him out and froze half the bar with a ice blast screaming in pure rage while Mimzy try's to hold me back.

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Yup, that's you might be wondering how I got in this situation. Well it all started a couple minutes ago, you see after playing my song and Damian pulling me back I got spooked and yanked his arm throwing him forward.

That resulted in Damian landing on some drugged up dude's table so he threw a fit and tried attacking Damian. Well he fucking died and it turns out he had some minions who didn't like that and started to attack me. I froze one and kicked one back into another table.

Well that caused more people to get upset so they started to fight. Mimzy saw this happening and tried to stop it but got punched by a lizard dude. Let's just say he's a lizard popsicle right now, I defended Mimzy from anyone who tried to hurt her. I managed to catch a glimpse of Alastor who was just laughing at the scene.

And then some old demon tried to catch a feel while the fight was happening with me and that's when I ducked and kicked that him in the balls, head butted another demon and froze half the bar. Now that we're caught up let's continue shall we?

*record restarts*

Mimzy managed to calm me down a bit so I stoped freezing people and I looked around.

"Sheesh, it's a winter wonderland in here." Mimzy said as she looked around also.

"My lord it's cold, (Y/N) aren't you freezing?" Mimzy started to rub her hands up and down her arms trying to keep warm.

"Eh the cold never bothered me, anyway enough talking. There is a demon I need to turn into a snow cone!" I frantically looked for Damian but he was no where in sight, well shit.

I rubbed my temples trying to remember the fight in case I managed to see him slip away but nothing. I begin to hear foot steps come up to us so I get in a fight ready stance only to be greeted by Alastor.

"My that was a wonderful performance! I haven't been this excited since the stock market crash of 1929!"

I frown at the mention of the stock market crash, it was anything but exciting for you so right now what ever charm I had to him just flushed away. If there was a charm to begin with.

"Now what's gotten you so tensed up dear? You should really smile more, you're never fully dressed without one." Alastor then pulls my mouth into a smile and I swat away his hands.

"No touchy."

He only chuckles at this which got me slightly embarrassed that I said it like that. 'No touchy! Really was that the best I could've said'. My face got a little flushed so I looked away so no one would notice.

I put my hands on my face using my powers to cool down the blush, once done I looked back at them.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to go look for someone and possibly turn their ass to snow."

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora