Blitzo Did A Thing

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~87 years later~

You, Moxxie and Millie walk into the staff room of I.M.P because Blitzo wanted to have a 'Emergency Staff Metting' ASAP and said and I quote.

"I don't care if you're fucking the mail man for the president of Nigeria!! Drop what ever you're doing and come to the staff room, I have important news!!!"

Sometimes I really don't get this dude, like seriously? Mail man for the president of Nigeria? It's one of the most stupidest things you heard in a while.

You see Blitzo near the white board at the end of the room and decide to sit the farthest from it, you didn't hate Blizto. He can just get too touchy for your liking. Moxxie and Millie of course sit right next to each other holding hand in hand.

The relationship between the two is one of the cutest things you've ever seen in hell that when you three first met you almost threw up rainbows.

Loona then walks in late as ever, not that you cared. You find it funny when Blitzo gets distracted with messing with Moxie, but as soon she walks in Blitzo separates from Moxxie and goes in his 'serious' mode.

"Ok everyone, so last week was kind of a fiasco with killing that child and all."

"You mean little devil?" Loona chimes in with a annoyed expression.

"Yes!" Blitzo snaps his fingers pointing at Loona.
"Well after that happened I had some time to think and I decided that if we really want this company to grow, we need to know people in high places!" He than starts to walk around the table with his hands behind his back giving us all a side look.

"And I found the perfect person to help us, do you know who?" Blitzo asked as he stopped in-front of the white board.

"OhOhOh!!! Angel Dust?!!" Millie asked with her hand high up in the air as if she was in school again. Moxxie gives her a confused look not knowing who the hell was Angel.

Blitzo looks over at Millie and gives a deep sigh. "As much as I love Angel and his work, he isn't what I'm looking for." Moxie still looking confused try's to ask who this Angel is but is sadly interrupted by Loona.

"Tom Trench and the bitch Katie?"

Blitzo looks at Loona and shakes his head. "Loona dear, I would go to them if I wanted to end my company in a blink of an eye. We all know Katie hates basically anything that walks and breaths." He than mumbles under his breath which you could just slightly hear. "Stupid bitch."

Blitzo gives up on the guessing game and jumps on top of the table in the room with his hands in the air all excited.

"I managed to get us to meet the princess herself for a meeting tomorrow at her new hotel!!!"

You basically fall out of your chair the moment he said that. With a loud thud you bring yourself up again and grab Blitzo by his collar getting him off the table.

"So let me get this straight, YOU got US a meeting with the princess herself at HER hotel which is meant to rehabilitate sinners? And you do understand that our company KILLS people for money which is a major SIN right???!!!"

You were basically yelling at Blitzo's face in pure anger at this imp's own stupidity. Blitzo's face though never changed from his excited smile and manages to wrap his arm around your shoulder.

"That my dear is where you come in!!"

"Don't call me dear, and why me?"You asked, still angered with a slight hit of annoyance.

"You're one of the best workers I got and with your smarts in business I know you can come up with something to help us out with the princess!" Blitzo starts to drag you to the white board and pats your shoulders.

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" You were starting to get even more pissed by the second.

Blitzo turns you towards your coworkers at the table, hand on your right shoulder while his left hand moving slowly in the air in-front of him. "Well if you don't help, your FIRED."

That's when you snapped. 'Fired? He didn't just say the words fired, because if he did!' You thought as the room starts to get cold, frost starts to form on your finger tips. The windows get frosted so no one can see in or out.

That's when it starts to snow in the staff room.

Moxxie is trying to keep Millie warm, while Loona didn't give two fucks because she had fur. Moxie then turns to Blitzo with a annoyed face. "Sir, I believe you owe (Y/N) an apology. If you don't we're going to be popsicles!"

"Oh Moxxie, (Y/N) knows I'm only joking! Hahah I wouldn't actually fire her. Isn't that right (Y/N)?" Blitzo says while giving you a cheeky smirk.

The room gets warm again and you look at Blitzo with an annoyed face. "Ugh fine, I'll help. But in doing so I get longer lunch breaks and more paid days off."

Blitzo smiles at you and shakes your hand. "Now that's more like it (Y/N)!!" Blitzo then jumps in-front of you and gets way into your bubble. "Now, you got any ideas that can help us?"

You sigh while face palming.

"In fact I actually do, you just have to agree to it."

Blitzo is even more excited now. "Hit me!"

You punch him in the face and he yeets across the room.

You stop to think of what just happened and groan. "Sorry Blizto!"

Blitzo gets up in pain, hand on his face. "It's alright. Now tell me, what's your idea?"

"Do you like couples therapy?"

Oioioioi second chapter down for the count. I know it might get confusing with Blitzo's name because it's pronounced Blitz. I just like to spell peoples names the way it's spelt but it if gets annoying I'll start to spell it as Blitz. (P.s while making this I forgot the extra X in Moxxie's name so I had to fix that, look at me doing the big dumb lol.)

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