Princess Of Hell

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~"Welcome to the Happy Hotel!!! You must be here for the 'meeting' am I correct?"~

Charlie's POV

I greet the lively bunch as they try to get up off the floor offering my hand to the deer demon below me. She hesitates but gives in letting me help her up. I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

At the bottom of the dog pile is who I can believe to be Blitzo from that commercial I happened to stumble upon while channel surfing, smushed by the weight of his coworkers with a book beneath him. He stays on the ground a bit longer and opens his mouth to speak.


I also offer to help him up only to have the deer demon grab him by the back of his collar yanking him to his feet.

I see her and Blitzo start to bicker back and forth while the others are in the back, this one imp with white hair is trying to separate the two.

"Ahem." I try to grab their attention with a clearing of my throat which luckily it worked.
Everyone looks back at me and they all separate acting as though nothing happened.

"Excuse us princess for our behavior, it's just our boss was going to do something utterly stupid and so we had to stop him." The imp with the white hair says.

I reach my hand out to him to shake it.
"Just call me Charlie, and it's all alright, in fact it just reminds me of my own friends."

The imp takes my hand.
"Names Moxxie, the beautiful lady next to me is Millie. We have Loona the hellhound, (Y/N) to my left." He says as he points to each of his coworkers.

"Oh and Blitzo." He states not wanting to talk more about his boss.

"It's nice to meet you all, now why don't we take this to my office so we can talk about this offer you have for me Blitzo."

I see him start to sweat nervously while his team drags him with them following me to my office.

Your POV

"Now isn't the time to get nervous Blitzo, you were the one who wanted this." I whispered/yelled to him.

"I'm not nervous about the meeting, I just feel like there is something here that really isn't fond of us being here."

Now that he said that, he's strangely right. It did feel like there was a stronger presence here other than Charlie telling us to 'Go Away.'

The feeling creeped me out and honestly I'm not wanting to meet the person behind such power anytime soon. Hopefully never.

But that's not how hell works, hell's a bitch and wants us all to suffer so deep down I know I'll be running into that person eventually.

~time skip~

We did it, for all that is unholy we managed to convince not only Charlie but her girlfriend as well! Well not really convinced when it came to the girl Vaggie who joined us in our meeting. We just managed to talk her into it with Charlie's help.

Honestly I don't blame Vaggie, I also think this is a stupid idea. Even if I came up with a walk around to help Blitzo in the whole thing with my 'couples therapy' idea. There were still some major gaps in the idea which can cause it to fail.

And I was tasked to make sure that doesn't happen, plus the task of 'book babysitting.' So I asked Charlie for a room that was slightly bigger so I can move the safe we had at work and put it in my room. It was a safe given to us by Lucifer to make sure it doesn't go into the 'wrong hands'.

It's basically this old Victorian safe that has these weird powers that can badly damage any demon that try's to open it with force or magic. It can only be opened with this password that only I and Blitzo know.

It's kinda like a spell of its self, just have to say the 'magic' words and boom it's open. Luckily when the spell is spoken no one can hear it, only the caster can. You can only learn the password by writing, so just remember it, don't write it down and done. No one will be able to get it open.

I get the safe all situated in the room, open it, and placed the book within it. God that thing is heavy, would of been nice if Loona helped but she was to busy on her phone to care.

I lay down on the comfy bed with a deep sigh. Now I get to finally sleep.........


"(Y/N)!!!!!!! Come out!!!! We have a meeting downstairs!!!!!"

God damnit Blitzo!


"I'm coming!" I yell as I make my way towards the door, pulling the door open I see Blitzo standing there about to ready his arm to knock more.

"Ah there's my star pupil! Grab everyone else and meet me at the bar downstairs. We have much to plan!" And with that he's gone.

'There's a bar?' I whispered to myself, 'I thought this place was against sin?' But I really didn't care all too much, when I told Blitzo that there would be free 'Drinks' I was mainly bluffing but now I don't have to hear him complain about 'lying' to him. It's a win/win.

Now where is everyone?

~Time skip~
Narrator POV

You managed to find everyone and the 4 of you head to the elevator to meet Blitzo downstairs at the bar.

"(Y/N) do you happen to know what this is all about?" Moxxie asked while looking at you while the elevator starts to go down.

"Don't know, he just said he wants to meet us at the bar downstairs."

"Well it better be fucking good because I have a hangover and more beer isn't going to help." Loona groaned.

"You really need to stop drinking on work nights Loona, it isn't good." Millie stated while eyeing the hellhound.

Loona lets out a growl and brings out her phone to zone us out.

"Oh yeah Millie, yesterday you mentioned a Angel dust. Who is he by chance? I never heard of him before." Moxxie asked and Millie was about to answer until the elevator door opens and we see Blitzo talking to a tall lanky spider with white fur with a nice pink outfit on.

Millie and Loona dash out the elevator to meet up with Blitzo leaving Moxxie and (Y/N) in the elevator. (Y/N) puts a hand on Moxxie's shoulder and sighs pointing at the spider.

"That's Angel of the most popular pornstars in hell, Millie is a big fan of his." And with that you left to catch up with everyone else leaving Moxxie by himself.

Moxxie stands there mouth wide open trying to comprehend everything.

"Wait what?"

Fourth chapter down!!! I hope you liked it!!! So stay tuned!!

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang