Sir Pentious

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~ "Not on my watch!" ~

Narrator POV

You take a quick breath in, holding it you aim at the death ray. Once you thought it was good, you let out your breath which you could see due to the air getting colder around you. Frost starts to form on the tip of your finger.

You take your aim and fire straight at the death ray, causing it to freeze in a cube of ice stuck to Sir Pentious' hand. Blitzo was safe, for now.

You sigh in relief and walk towards the two. Blitzo runs up to you hugging you tightly. "(Y/N) you came to save me from this asshat!!" You put a hand on his shoulder slowly.

"(Y/N)?" Your grip on his shoulder starts to get tighter, you look down at him with a murderous glare. If looks could kill, Blitzo would just be a pile of ash right now.

"Next time you pull shit like that again, it wouldn't be Sir Pentious you would need to worry about." Your face getting closer to his. "Now, wasn't there a cat that needed to be fed?"

And with that Blitzo heads home without bothering you anymore for today. You turn your gaze over to Sir Pentious and start to walk over to him. He was a bit shaken about what just happened but tried his best to look 'cool'.

"Sir Pentious you cant just be going around trying to kill people's employers. No matter how much they diss on your sense of 'fashion'."

"You can't tell I, Sir Pentious what to do!!! I'm going to be the future ruler of hell you hear me!!"

"You keep telling yourself that old man, now why don't you shut up and scram. If you don't comply you can always go home in a ice box."

"Old man!!! Who you calling a old man you pompous bitc-!" And just like that, he became a popsicle. Face frozen in mid sentence, you didn't kill him. Just shut him up for a good while, he'll melt in due time.

You see one of his egg henchmen shaking in the back terrified. You take a deep sigh and signal for him to come to you, he does so still scared out of his mind.

"Take him back to where ever he came from, your gonna need a lot of blow dryers if you want him out soon. He might get a cold, or worse a fever!" You say with fake worried ness and the Egg henchman pushes Sir Pentious away.

You rub the back of your neck and look back at the hotel to see everyone at the door. Oh yeah, they were still here. Your coworkers weren't surprised, they've seen your powers before. Charlie on the other hand was excited, her friends just looked shocked and Alastor....can his grin get any wider. He just stared you down, you felt like prey in the eyes of a predator so you really didn't like this.

You clear your throat and walk past everyone to get into the hotel, eyes still on you. Moxxie and Millie quickly join after you with Loona tailgating behind. You check the time and it was getting pretty late so you look back at them and tell them you're heading to bed.

Moxxie and Millie head back to their apartment and Loona took the room next to yours in the hotel. Out of the 5 it was only you and Loona who were staying at the hotel. Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie all already had their own places.

You take a nice warm shower and got ready for bed. You lay down closing your eyes ready to pass out, but you couldn't. You felt like you were being watched by someone but you try your best to ignore it.

You final managed to fall asleep but your dream wasn't better, it was your death all over again. But when you got shot and lay in the snow, you weren't given the sweet release of death. No, your body stayed alive but in pain from the wound and freezing from the snow below you.

It was agony, you could feel Damian cutting at you, taking any vital organs he could sell. You try to call out to him to make him stop, but you couldn't speak. You tried to apologize for being a awful person but nothing came out. You wanted to reach out to him and hug him in a comforting embrace and make up the bad you did, but you couldn't move.

You manage to wake up in a cold sweat, even though he killed you, you still strongly missed Damian. You knew he was in hell, even if you were a bad person, killing is a sin. You just never tried looking for him to make up for the pain you caused him. Maybe he wouldn't want to see you again. He might try to kill you again.

You just knew that once you had time to think in hell, you've come to notice just how much you cared for him. Not in a romantic way, in a family way, he felt like a brother to you. And you ruined it. You take a morning shower to try to forget the dream you had.

You get dressed and check up on the safe making sure the book is still there, luckily it was. And so you head downstairs, no one was up yet. You checked the time and say it was four in the morning. And so with a sigh you look around and try to find the kitchen, once you did the first thing you noticed was the mess.

You decided that since you're here you might as well help out, so you start doing the dishes only to be joined by the little cyclops demon.

"Do you like cleaning too?!" She asked while jumping up and down. Her sudden appearance scared you for a second.

"I guess you could say that." You chuckled as you continue to clean. The cyclops demon starts to do the rest of the kitchen in a fast paste.

"I was supposed to do the kitchen yesterday but I was rudely interrupted by that mean snake man who was causing all that ruckus!"

You turn your head towards her to agree but you found yourself in awe by how fast this girl cleaned the whole kitchen. You turn back to the dishes to find them all done.

"What-how?" You were just dumbfounded.

"Thanks for your help stranger! Names Nifty!!!" She starts jumping around you which just made you laugh at how cute she was.

"(Y/N), and I don't feel like I helped. You had the place done in under a minute!"

"Well it was the most help I received since getting here, and I really appreciate it!"

You have a slight blush creep up to your face, you didn't do much but hearing those words made you feel happy. You helped....even if it wasn't much.

"Oh (Y/N) can you do me another favor if it isn't too much for you?" Nifty asks looking up at you.

"What do you need?" You bend down to her height.

"We ran out of food in the fridge and pantry and I don't know how to cook all to well, I'm amazing at cleaning but cooking isn't my forte."

"Well lucky for you, I love to cook! Come on let me grab my purse and we can go grocery shopping together and even make breakfast before everyone wakes up!" You were just happy now, for some reason Nifty just makes you have more energy. Maybe hearing her say she appreciates what you do just made you in a better mood.

All that is for certain is that you just made a new friend.

Today is a good day, I don't have work until later today so I used this time to write this chapter, and fixed some things in past chapters I didn't like. Hope you guys have a fantastic day 🌷

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