Grocery Shopping

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~All that is for certain is that you just made a new friend.~

Narrator POV

You and Nifty leave the hotel and head to the closest shopping district. She said that once we got the food she wanted to stop by a parlor to meet one of her other friends and say hi. You agree and continue to walk.

You two make it to the shopping district which was surprisingly crowded for how early it was, Nifty was small compared to the other demons around you guys, and you knew she could defend herself but a part of you felt protective and so you stayed close to her side.

Once the two of you reached the grocery store you made a plan to split the list and go separate ways for now to get everything so the trip could be faster.

~20 minutes later~

You and nifty got all the items on the list and went to go pay for them. The cashier was thankful you guys were paying because most people just grab and leave, you paying meant he can get paid.

Nifty grabs half the bags and heads out the door, you following right behind her. "Come on (Y/N)!! I want you to meet my other friend!!" You chuckled at how excited she was getting, if only you had someone special who'd get excited like that by just wanting to see you.

You sigh with a small hint of sadness at the idea, you felt like you didn't deserve that kind of relationship. You were in hell for being selfish and using someone else's feelings and manipulating them, yeah you changed.....but only after being in hell.

Hell is a place of endless torment and punishment, so it didn't feel right to look for happiness in a place like this. There had been multiple opportunities for you to find someone special here, but you chose not to. It just didn't feel right.

While you were internally mopping at your own sadness and just slowly getting into a even bigger void of depression. Nifty cuts you off from your train of thought.

"We're here!!!" She jumps up and down slightly trying not to break the eggs you guys just bought.

You look up at the parlor, 'The Golden Horseshoe'. Hmm nice name, kinda looks like a old western parlor.

"The owner of the place is One Eye Jack, he died during the gold rush in a fight Anyway, my bff Mimzy works here as a part time singer, and you just have to meet her!!  You smile at Nifty, kinda hoping one day you can be bff #2 if such a thing exists, she just made you happy and you wanted to keep that.

You two walk into the parlor and the smell of alcohol fills your nose, you do have a drink from here to there but not a lot so the smell wasn't the greatest.

You and Nifty take a seat and you order a water and Nifty gets a orange juice. It was still morning and neither of you wanted to drink before breakfast.  There is a stage to your left so your assuming that's where Mimzy will be. The moment your water and Nifty's orange juice get here the curtains on the stage move.

It reveled a short plump demon with short blonde hair, and she was wearing a 1920's flapper dress. Seeing the dress made you remember when you were around 10-13 your mother would come home late in such a dress either tired or drunk. You should have been upset your mom did this, but it brought money. And honestly being a flapper seemed interesting whenever your mom spoke to you about the many party's she's been too.

Mimzy begins to sing some songs from her time, which made you nostalgic because you mom loved most of these songs. During more energetic songs she would dance pretty dirty and you could hear men whistling.

She makes her way over to your table still singing, she pats Nifty's head and looks over at you. She gives a flirty smile, probably part of her act for the song and waddles over to you. She than proceeds to put a finger under your chin bringing your faces inches apart. You start to blush, not too noticeable but it was there.

You've never been this close face to face with someone before in such a seductive way, you gulp with your eyes looking around the room in embarrassment. Mimzy chuckles at how cute you were acting and steps away, making her way back to the stage. You take in a beep breath and release it.

Whatever just happened made your stomach feel things you never felt before and you don't know what to think about it. You shake it off and enjoy the rest of the show.

~Time skip to 6:00~

You and Nifty need to head back to the hotel if you want to make it on time to make breakfast for everyone. Luckily the show just ended and you got to speak with Mimzy for a bit, you guys told jokes and she even made some flirtatious comments towards you. She said you reminded her of this one guy she really likes and so she couldn't help it.

You get her phone number before leaving with Nifty and head back to the hotel. You two enter through the main doors, still talking and telling a couple of jokes together. Making it into the kitchen you put all the food you bought away and into the fridge and pantry's. Once done you look down at Nifty and asked.

"Pancakes or Waffles?"

"WAFFLES!!!" Nifty yells and runs around you.

You shush her to be quiet, didn't want to wake anyone up. You decided to make both just in case and you also made toast, muffins, scrambled and sunny side up eggs. The kitchen was starting to smell just delicious, it smelt like a breakfast wonderland. While you were cooking Nifty was setting up the kitchen table, and once everything was done it looked just amazing.

Plus it turns out Nifty could cook and actually loved to do it, she lied to you just to see how you can handle cooking for many people and keep the food tasting yummy. She said she was 'testing' you in case she wouldn't be around to cook some meals and needed to see if you can. And you passed.

She did this with everyone, you and Alastor where the only ones who passed. Angel almost burnt down the hotel trying to make coffee, how....I don't know, but Nifty said that he isn't allowed to cook anymore.

You laughed at the thought of Angel trying to make a cup of coffee and it just spontaneously combusting in his hand. You calm down once you hear the elevator doors open.

You and Nifty run to the other side of the table away from the kitchen doors with big smiles on your faces. You then see everyone start to walk into the kitchen.

"What is that wonderful smell?" You hear Charlie ask but her question was soon answered once she saw the kitchen table.

"Good morning everyone!!!" Nifty yells while shaking you like crazy.

Angel walks in after Charlie and looks around the kitchen. And sits down at a chair, looking at all the food you made and spots the one thing he was looking for.

"Dibs on the sausage."

Sorry this chapter is late, been wanting to post a chapter a day but I've been busy these couple of days. Also Happy New Years!!!! I'll be starting on the next chapter the moment this one released so let's cross our fingers that I get it down before tomorrow 🤞🏻

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