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"Katsuki~" You called out, but the boy ignored you.

You stared at the crepe in his hand from your spot on the bench and visibly drooled. To commemorate your friendship, you pestered Bakugou into treating you to a crepe.

"Hey, Katsuki~"

You watched as he took a bite, still pretending like you weren't there.

"Katsuki!" You yelled into his ear while scooting closer to him.

"What do you want?!" He yelled in reply. "Stop it with the Katsuki, Katsuki." Bakugou was mimicking your voice.

While the ash blonde was busy yelling at you, you took the chance to chomp off a piece of his unguarded crepe.

"What the fuck?" He moved the crepe further from you and instinctively pushed your head away with the other hand. "What did you do that for?! You have your own!"

"Your crepe just looked so yummy." You began to dance—in place—out of appreciation for the taste. "And I was right!"

"HAH?!" He was confused by your logic but continued to nip away at his food.

"I usually get sweet crepes, but you made your savory crepe into a spicy one so I wanted to try it." You were getting excited just thinking about the kick from the spice. "It was good! I want more." You pleaded with big eyes.

"Like hell I would give you more." The male turned his back towards you so that he could eat in peace. "You have your own!"

"You keep saying that like I don't know I have my own." You mumbled, then munched on your dessert.

"That's 'cause you're acting like you don't!" He turned his body to face you in order to yell but you took the opportunity to take another bite out of Bakugou's crepe. The male sighed in defeat and openly offered you his food. "Here. Just finish it."

"No, eat it." You shook your head.

"What the fuck?!" He was: Confused. As. Hell. "I finally gave this shit to you but you-"

"Yeah." You stuffed your crepe into his open mouth. "That's because I wanted to share."

Bakugou's eyes widened and he reluctantly took a big bite out of your crepe.

"At least you're not crying anymore." You gave a big smile as he spit out the crepe out of shock.

"Y-You-" He roughly wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I wasn't!"

"Yeah you were, I saw the whole thing." You were referring to when Izuku confronted the frustrated hot head in front of the school gates just moments earlier. "Damn it, damn it, damn it. Is how it went, I think. I'm just getting started!" You yelled and fist pumped the air with a smile on your face.

"I-I didn't do something as stupid as that, dumbass!" He protested to your gesture.

"That's how I saw it." You shrugged. "Also, you didn't notice but some people from inside the school saw it too."

"W-What?" He was obviously worrying about others seeing his tear-streaked face.

"Also, stop calling me dumbass!" You whined and grabbed the collar of his shirt with your one free hand. "I thought I told you my name. Don't tell me you've forgotten it already!"

"S-Shut up! I'm not that bird brained!" He removed your hands from his collar and shifted his body so that he stared at the ground in front of him. "I said I was going to start tomorrow." He uttered quietly.

"I suppose..." You took a bite out of your crepe as Bakugou shoved the last of his into his mouth. The male stood up to throw the wrapper away. "Also, stop swearing. We're at a playground, remember?" Your sweat dropped. There were definitely kids picking up his potty mouth habit somewhere.

BNHA & You (Katsuki Edition)Where stories live. Discover now