Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

That night I couldn't sleep. My mind kept wandering between what Sam was going to do... and what he did. I felt sick with worry when I thought of what he might be planning. The healing bruises seemed to throb as a reminder of what these people were capable of. My mind conjured images of Sam with a bloodied bandage over his eyes or his skin burnt black or worse.

I could still feel the warmth of his lips against mine. Feel the pressure they put upon me. Feel his hand under my chin.

No. I was getting distracted. Whatever Sam was going to do I knew it wasn't going to end well. I had to do something. I couldn't let him get himself hurt, or killed. I had to talk to him.

"Sam." I whispered, "Sam are you awake?"

He grunted and rolled towards me. His eyes half opened.


"I need to talk to you."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What about?"

" You know what about."

"The kiss?"

I blushed.

"No. Whatever your doing tomorrow."

"Ty, just leave it."

"How can I leave it Sam?!" My whisper became moreaggressive. "You know what they can do. You're going to get yourself hurt, or worse."

"Like I said Ty. Just trust me."

"And like I said. I don't trust you!"

"I'm not discussing it Ty." He lay down with his back to me. I mimicked him with my arms folded.

A few minutes passed.

Then I felt him come close behind me. He put his hand on the area between my shoulder and my neck. He rested his forehead against the back of my head. I could feel his chest moving to therhythm of his breathing pattern. I felt his chest muscles press against my back. The difference between them now and when we were forced into contact before entering the rig was astonishing.His hand felt heavier and hardened since the times where he was grabbing mine, just two weeks ago.

His whisper was barely audible.

"Seriously Ty, I'll be fine. Trust me." I opened my mouth to protest but I couldn't find the breath. My heart was racing again. I just lifted my hand to hold his. Our fingers intertwined and his thumb began stroking the bottom of my forefinger. "Don't worry about it."

I closed my eyes and moulded my body into the shape of his. The warmth of his body comforted me. I fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart thumping steadily against my back.

Morning came. We woke. We ate. We worked.

Everything was going normally but my anticipation levels were high. Every move Erin made I saw. But she wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. When I wasn't watching Erin, I was watching Sam. He toiled away as usual. I noticed the muscles in his arms flexing and un flexing as he pulled at the large wheel. I burned myself more than usual that day.

A loud clang behind me snapped me away from Sam's muscles. Erin and I turned, her poker still in the fire. A smaller boy had knocked over his vat of oil and spilt it on the floor. The liquid ran dangerously close to the fires.

"Stupid boy!" A man shouted. Three men walked our way and stopped just before the large puddle of oil.

"Now!" The small boy yelled.

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