Young dumb and dumber (part 3/pizzaria boy!?)

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"C'mon, (y/n). You gotta know what a bento is." Your friend places her hands on her hips.

"Err... I'm pretty sure this is a lunchbox and not a vendor."

"Not vendor, bento!"

"Whatever. Anyways, I got this... bent-toe...? from Marion. He..." you explained to your friend what happened earlier.

"Hm, what did you say he worked as again?" You blink hard and rubbed the back of your neck, trying to remember.

"Freelance... something. Ah! Freelance- model!" You snapped your fingers once you got the answer.

"Does he have any social media accounts?" You shrugged.

"Beats me, I don't have the time to play those stuff." Your friend hummed in contemplation.

"I gotta run. Enjoy your bento, (y/n)." She waved goodbye and walked away from your cubicle. "Yeah, yeah, don't show off your fancy vocabulary." You said it loud enough for her to hear. You returned your focus on your lunch, there was no fork.

"Okay, let's see here, a spoon and two sticks... two sticks?" You were baffled for a moment until you remember that certain cultures use chopsticks to eat. "I need to go out more often..."

It's not a surprise that you are not very versed in different cultures, your entire diet consists of basic (favourite type) sandwiches anyways because its the easiest and fastest to prepare/obtain without sacrificing much of the nutrients.

Like a scientist, you 'dissected' every foreign item there with your chopsticks. You had a long lunch break, so you have time to kill.

"Is this... deep-fried prawn? Who does that?"

You pushed a portion of (favourite food) from the box into the spoon with your chopsticks. The spoon filled with it was about to enter your mouth until a thought crossed your head.

"Did he lace this with something?" You weren't so sure whether to eat it.

"Heyyy... whatcha got there, (y/n)?" You turned your head to see Asey Mints, your cubicle neighbour during the day. Despite her thin structure, she has an appetite of a wolf. You felt a lightbulb lit up in your head somewhere.

"A benson... I think that's the name of this box. Anyways, wanna have half of it? I can't finish it all by myself."

Asey was grinning from ear to ear. "Don't mind if I do!"

It was a good thing you made Asey eat half because you really couldn't have finished it.

You couldn't even get through your portion. It was so filling that you felt like you wanted to puke although you only ate around a quarter of the whole box. "Damn! I underestimated this lunchbox!"

As for Asey, she ate half of your lunch and the rest of your portion since you cannot finish it. Yet she still felt quite unsated.

"Hey, thanks for the lunch! I'm gonna go and get something from the vending machine, want anything?" You can barely move.

"No, I'm cool. Thanks." You burped a bit and muttered an 'excuse me'. Asey patted on your shoulder and walked out of the office.

"Right, If anything happens to Asey after this, its gonna happen to me. At least I won't go down alone." You felt a bit guilty for bringing Asey into this, but it's better to have someone go through it with you.

You submitted the report to Jerome for checking, after that, you returned to your usual duties.

You are on a rowboat, in the middle of the lake. "Shit!" You quickly scan around for any signs of Marion and his younger self.

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