Yandere prince (pt-1)

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Somewhat offensive, read note below

Being born into a royal family is not a pleasant walk in the park.
In a way, yes, it is like a walk in a park, except the park is not a park.
Instead, its a warzone plagued with the bubonic.

You, princess (y/n)(l/n), was planned to be married off to a powerful prince.
When the news reached your ears, everyone was surprised, yet not surprised that you were pretty nonchalant about it.

"Wait, (y/n), are you not upset that you are wedded to a man against your will?"
Asked your eldest sister frantically.

"What about your freedom? Do you not care about having free will?"
Your brother shook you by the shoulders.

Even the king and the queen were worried, all of your sisters and brothers fought against the idea of arranged marriages, but you...

You shrugged your shoulders and brush the hands of your brothers off.
You see, you were a very special child in your family of 12.
You never fought with any of your siblings or get into any trouble, minor or major.
No one have ever seen you cry, even when you were a baby. You would just stare, no amount of pain, mental or physical inflicted on you would make a tear leak out.

Its like you don't have a personality, you didn't have a favourite or disliked dish, you don't read for fun, you don't play any sports, you didn't gush with your sisters about finding 'true love'.

Your family were under tremendous stress when they found out about your favourite activities to do in your free time, which were:

-building a small tower out of wooden blocks and knocking it over, then repeat. This would amuse you for a whole day.

-digging holes at random areas with a large, silver spoon your youngest brother gave you. (You dug a deep hole at a training ground for knights which resulted in 3 of them getting injured.)

-Wandering around in a servant uniform during ungodly hours at night with a cup filled with warm water in your left hand. When confronted you just say, 'i wanted a midnight stroll and someone to hold my hand.' When offered to have a servant or sibling to hold your hand, you refused.

-Occationally making breakfast for all the servants.

-sleep UNDER your bed. When confronted about this, you just say, 'its polite to let guests have the best.' No one is allowed to enter your room and there were no records of anyone ever doing that.

-doing squats.

-stare at your youngest sister's teddy bear for three hours until your sister told you to stop.

-plugging the horses' anuses with pieces of chalk. You weren't allowed to enter the stables anymore.

-plugging the chickens' and cows' anuses with chalk. You weren't allowed into the farm anymore.

-attaching chalk onto the underwear of your parents. You weren't allowed chalk anymore.

-tried to Barter trade your tiara for eight boxes of chalk sticks. When confronted you complained about smelling unplesant odours. A more efficient system of ventillation and air fresheners were installed. You no longer ask for chalk.

-feeding snails with lettuce. This took an agonizing 5 hours to do so.
And many more.

Although you do not have any special talents at all, you were always the center of attention of all your siblings, servants, parents and citizens.
Hell, you were concidered to be the plainest looking out of all your siblings, even with makeup, you look so bland that your siblings compared you to flour.
Don't get me wrong, you weren't ugly, stupid or useless, you were just so, so unremarkable to the point that you have everyone's attention as to why you are so unremarkable.

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