Out of all the motherfuckers, your the motherfuckest.

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• Y/N POV •

I stood there stunned at what my sister just said. Alex didn't even say anything.

What was her problem? She knew to always knock before coming into my room. And why'd she call me a bitch? It wouldn't be the first time she called me that. I maybe did something wrong.

"I-I'll be right back." I finally spoke and left not glancing once to Alex.

I went to my sisters room and saw her crying on her bed. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing just leave." She spat out.

"Just tell me. Im a good listener." I said siting next to her.

"You wouldn't understand." She said louder.

"Then make me." I said just as loud as her.

"Do you even know Alex?"

"I- yea." I lied.

"No, no you don't. Then why'd I just walk into you guys almost eating each other whole."

"I- it just happened. It felt right."

"Yea well it doesn't feel right to me!" she exclaimed.

"What are you saying?"

"I- I like Alex too y/n." She said almost a whisper.

Once she said that I felt jealously and anger rush through me.

"You don't even know his last name!" I argued.

"And I'm guessing you do?" She snapped back as we both got on our feet facing each other.

"Your only attracted to him!"

"So are you!"

"No! He's different! Even if I don't know him like that, I can feel it."

"You can't feel shit! Your just a sluty bitch."

I started at her. Oh I really wanted to slap her.

I spat one last insult before leaving, "Out of all the motherfuckers, your the motherfuckest."

I went into my room and saw Alex.

"Look I'm sorry I-"

"Just please leave. Im sorry for bringing you here." I cut him off.

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