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It's only your second day of university, yet you wonder what has gotten into you? The pit in your stomach grows deeper and deeper, threatening to instantly swallow anything that enters. You desperately try to think of things to calm your nerves...Yunho!

The thought of seeing your best friend of four years steadily calms you down. The both of you were lucky enough to get into the same college course together in the same university. It was both yours and Yunho's deep interest in biology that brought you to choose biomedical science. But now you're about to enter into your second day, and you're starting to have second thoughts...

That horrible feeling in your gut comes back as you approach the front gates of the college. You just know something will happen today, whether that be something good or something bad?

Only time will tell.

Panickingly, your small legs carry you through the entrance of the big, daunty building. You have no idea what this place is but you just need a stable wifi connection to find out where Yunho is. The feeling of lonliness multiplied at this place, and you urgently needed company. As if on cue, a big figure approaches you from behind, instantly bringing a wide smile to your face despite your nerves eating you away from the inside. It all numbed down a bit at the sight of your best friend.

"Yunho! I'm so glad you're finally here-" your voice is cut off as he covers your mouth with his enormous hand. You look into his giant eyes sparkling with excitement. You flash him a questioning look.

"The introductions can wait, but guess what I just saw!" he quickly whispers while cautiously glancing around him, as if he's talking about a who rather than a what. "I just saw the hottest man alive! And I think he's in our year!" Your soft blue haired friend hops up and down with a smirk on his face.

"mow malmffmr??" your voice muffles behind Yunho's hand before he exclaims and drops it down speedily. After taking a breath of relief, you repeat yourself, "Wow you've found someone already? Please tell me you talked to him!" you return Yunho's excitement, genuinely feeling happy for him.

His cheeks slowly start to gain a rose colour as he shyly mumbles, "I got nervous..." This reaction from him causes you to exaggeratedly roll your eyes, earning you a light smack to the shoulder. That anxious feeling suddenly hits you like a plane and you feel the urge to check the time, as if you might be late to something. You quickly shoot your eyes to the clock behind Yunho and gasp loudly, eyes widening.

You are late to something, just as your gut had warned, that "something" happening to be your very first biology lab class. As Yunho stared at you with a puzzled look on his face, you quickly calculated that you both have six minutes to make it to the other side of campus, which is usually a fifteen minute walk.

"We have six minutes, run!" you blurt out, grabbing Yunho's arm and making a run for it, hoping that you wouldn't be judged too hard.

After getting lost twice, you and your friend are greeted with the stern glare of the demonstrator. You silently cheer in your mind as everyone is still being seated, so you're not late to anything important. Your joy is cut off abruptly though when you discover that everyone will be seated in alphabetical order, meaning Yunho will have to sit on the other side of the lab.

You timidly make your way to your bench, and to your dismay, you were the only girl on it. You get easily scared by men since you're quite small and boys....well they tend to be huge. Yunho managed to get close to you because he is basically a giant teddy bear, which is an exception to you. You notice the empty seat next to you and silently pray that it'll be a girl since you'll have to work with this person as a partner for the whole year. They're late too...you wonder what kind of person they'll be. Too afraid too make eye contact with someone, you stare down at your stubby little fingers on your lap.

Your peaceful thoughts are interrupted by someone taking the seat beside you with a deep grunt. You don't even have to look up to recognize that voice as a man's, and decide it's probably for the best if you just carry on staring at your lap.

He clears his throat as if trying to gain your attention in the midst of all the chaos of the demonstrators attempting to settle everyone down. Again, you ignore his presence. You can hear him mumbling to the guys beside you, and you can only hope he isn't talking about you. It's clear that they're already friends by the way they talk to each other, causing you to tense.

You can't tell if it's just your mind playing tricks on you at this point, but you feel eyes burning into your skull.

You so desperately want to turn around and look for Yunho on the other side of the lab but you're painfully aware that neither of you can see each other from your positions. You just want some sign of comfort.

Each bench has been assigned a demonstrator each to guide them, and you notice your demonstrator making his way to your bench and he prepares to introduce himself.

"Hello all! My name is Kim Yonghwan" he cheerfully announces. His next words bring a feeling of dread upon you.

"Now, since you'll be working with your partners for the whole year, I'm giving everyone two minutes to get to know each other and then you'll gather in a circle and introduce your partner to the group! Go!" he explains, without giving anyone even a second to protest.

After speedily gathering any courage you can muster, you shyly lift your eyes to the man beside you...

And you're left speechless.


This is actually the first time I've written a fan fiction so I hope it isn't too bad (๑•́ ω •̀๑)

I hope to improve as the story goes on so I hope everything isn't too slow paced, I have more planned but I need to get past the inroductions first (・∀・;)

Hope you enjoy!

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