Chapter 16 Uh Oh

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"Remember how we um..." I clear my throat, this isn't good. "Broke up?"

"OH SHI-" Jack starts choking on his spit. Oh great, he'll finally leave this realm. Once he catches his breath, he starts laughing. "Oh yeah! That's uh... That's right. I guess you could say I love all things, all genders, races, and species."

"Are you on crack?" I ask, taking a bite of the chalupa.

"Crack? You know I'm not into the hard stuff. Ok, so I did heroin once, but that was with Cucumber!" He walks away, sitting on the couch.

"You did heroin, with a cucumber?" How would cucumber do heroin?

"We are getting off track, what I meant to say is that I love you (Y/N)."

What now

"What now?" I stumble off the counter, landing on my butt. That's real owie but that's not the MOST IMPORTANT THING HERE.

"(Y/N), I've been in love with you. I've been in love with you since I saw you with Orange." Jack stands up, his eyes tearing up. What a sack of [REDACTED].

"We were in a relationship, BEFORE THAT. I don't know why you are telling me this now! You should've told me you love me IN the relationship, or better yet you should've told me A LONG TIME AGO." I stand up, wiping my eyes.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Can you get that please?" I point at the door.

"I guess I could, but you are closer..." Jack walks over to the door, slowly opening the door. He gasps while he sees who it is, slamming the door and storming back to the couch. "I think it's for you."

"What?" I'm not expecting anyone, as I open the door my widen.



"Alright, this is getting weird, (Y/N) who is that?" Jack stands behind me, getting defensive. Why now and noT IN THE RELATIONSHIP.

"Oh! This is, uh, this is Orange. He's an old friend from uh..." How'd I forget where we met, I've had a crush on him for so long I fORGOT.


"How'd you know that?" I push Jack away, standing face to face with Orange.


"Hey guys." Pear stands on the counter, waving with his invisible hand.

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