Chapter 3: In My Dreams

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The night of the day after meeting what's-his-name, here I am, and I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about him! When I finally go to sleep, I start to dream.

In the dream, I am floating and birds are graciously coming out of my white dress. The sky is ritzy and golden, like the wallpaper of the bathroom in a mansion. A light is shining on me through the darkness and it continues to get brighter and it continues to glow as I start to feel heat somehow.

I float on top of a cloud until I am somehow put onto the cloud with a giant 9 on it.

"Funny." I say sarcastically.

In that instant, what's-his-name starts walking to me on cloud 9 and he leans in to kiss me and I don't fight back. I start to burn up as he gets closer. The second his lips touch mine, I wake up.

I smell something. Fire. There's a fire in the house and it's the middle of the night!

I do NOT want to walk out in pajamas and no makeup so I change real quick and put makeup on, and slap my hair into a ponytail after quickly brushing it. I then grab a few things I want to keep, being my phone and my purse, and I run.

I run to the bathroom really quickly to stuff some makeup in there and some hair products, and then I look to make sure an extra pair of clothing is in there. Whew.

I run down the stairs and through the great room and I stop as I see the door is surrounded by fire.

Wait, I think to myself, I almost forgot about mom and dad!

I run to their room and wake them up.

"Come on," I say, "Let's go, there's a fire."

"Oh my god!" My dad yells.

"Did you call the fire department?" My mom asks.

"Yeah," I lie, "I'll be outside. You guys hurry!"

"Okay," they say as they grab a few things.

I rush out of the room and call the fire department. I give them the address after telling them about the fire and I then open a window and jump out.

"Come on, mom and dad," I whisper to myself.

Before I know it, mom and dad are outside and the fire department arrive. They have arrived a bit too late as the fire consumes our house and the house burns to ashes, little to nothing does the fireman's water help.

I look at my parents as they look at me with a worried face.

My parents call their friends, being my friend, Ella's parents, and they agree to let us stay a few nights until we can figure something out. So, off we go in the car to Ella and her parents' house and we endure the sleepless night piled up in the living room, on the couch and floor. Luckily, Ella let's me stay in her room...but it's still on the floor.

The next morning, I have to go to school. Ugh. So after taking 10,000 steps to get ready and eat breakfast and then get on the school bus, before we know it, we're at school and it's lunchtime.

What's-his-name comes over to our table! I get so excited that I can't help but smile.

"Hey, Daphne," he says as he sits down beside me.

"Hi," I say with a half smile.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"My house burned down last night," I respond.

"That's terrible to hear," he says, "You and your family are okay, right? You aren't moving away, are you?"

"Not that I know of," I say, "My parents are fine, thanks. I guess they are just going to have to find a new place."

"Hm." He says. "There is a house beside mine that is up for sale."

"Oh, really?" I say, trying to suppress my joy. Leaving by him would be amazing. Ah.

"Yes," He replies, "Here, I can text the details to you. What's your phone number?"

We proceed to exchange phone numbers.

"Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome," he smiles, "I hope everything goes well."

"Me too," I add, "So, what should I put you under on my contacts?"

"Hm." He says, thinking. "Haha, call me 'Baby' because I can be a big baby at times."

Not the answer I was looking for. As he tells me this, I lie, saying I'm putting that, but I'm really putting, "What's-his-name" in my phone.

"See you in class," I say, getting up, "Thanks for your help."

"No problem, see ya," he smiles and I feel like I'm going to faint from the hotness.

As if it couldn't get any hotter after that fire! I hope I can move beside him. Ha. In my dreams.

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