Chapter 2 - God First

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[Angela's Point of View]

Yes, what is it, mam?" James replied.

"I would like to ask, why there is a discrepancy in the balance in the stock on hand and the stock card?"

"I think mam you need to refresh the stock on hand."

"Okay, here it is, I refreshed and it worked. Thanks, James!", I gladly replied to him.

"Okay mam, just call again if you need any support," James treated me nicely and I just smiled while I put the phone down.

"So that was his voice," I said to myself.


When I arrived home, I saw my sister, Mary, reading seriously as flipping the pages on her Bible. She is very active in an Evangelical church where we attend every Sunday.

"Oh, you are here already Angel!. I did not notice you, so how was work?".

"Yes sis, I'm so tired from work today," I was weak as I laid on the sofa.

"By the way, this Sunday is the anniversary of our church, please come, you haven't been to church for many weeks," Mary stared seriously to me.

"I just see, maybe I will have to hang out with my friends this weekend."

"I hope you put God first in everything Angela. Our intimacy with Him is the most important thing in our life," Mary explained.

I pretended to sleep on the sofa with my weary hands covering my eyes. I do not want to hear any sermons from my older sister. Any church stuff just gets me boring. My feet are dragging every time I went to church like I have a chain surrounding it that it's so heavy to lift.

[James' point of view]

My eyes were so heavy that they will likely fall. The cold wind from the rain blanketed the entire room that made me dizzy until I fell asleep.

Then I had a dream. I am with the man I encountered on his previous dream, but this time he is holding a glass of cold water. The water is so clear that it sparkles and that made his eyes do the same.

"Sir, why are you holding a glass of water?" I was puzzled while asking the man.

"Wait and see," the man said.

In a while, the glass started to glow. I closed my eyes as the light is so bright and I can't even look as it's like sunlight that you come across when you are looking at the sun!

Then the light disappeared and the sparkling water became red. I was astonished by what he saw, but when I am walking towards the man, I discovered that it was wine. The water turned into a blood-red wine!

"Taste it!" the man smiling looking at me.

I started to drink that glass with wine and it tastes like honeycomb as it enters my mouth. My eyes were glowing as I drank even more.

"The water turned into wine symbolizes that from a tradition, I will scrap it and make it new in your life," said the man

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You will become intimate to me." The man brought his shining face closer to me.

Then I woke up and I was still confused about my dream. I know that it was God talking to me, but because I have only a shallow understanding of God, I can't understand. I even don't read the Bible, but I can say that I pray to Him, but not intimately.


So I went to church on that Sunday to find answers. I always go to church and have a confession to a priest twice a year thinking that God will reduce my sins just to balance the scales of my good and bad, hoping for an entrance in heaven someday. I play the tradition of my religion which I am used to since I was born.

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