Arrows thrice followed by sacrifice

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Marinette sat in class with her sketch pad in front of her. She was drawing a princess, being that it was in a way related to the lesson. It was her constructive English class, supposedly to improve her writing. So far, it was a good class. At least for Marinette. Many of her classmates had other thoughts on it.

But the lesson of the week was The Different Types or Common Storylines. And today was the day they talked about love story cliche's. You know, like the girl/boy thinks they love someone else and their good ol pal is helping them until the girl/boy realizes they were in love with their pal all along, like in Just Friends? Why do they always kiss in the rain, like in the Notebook? Or the "I don't know who he is" cliche such as masquerade? Or love at first sight in Romeo and Juliet?

"Now tell me, why must the prince kiss the princess to break the spell?" Mrs. Bustier asked. Everyone was either embarrassed, stunned, zoned out, or ignoring her. But Rose bounced in her seat.

"Ooh Ooh Ooh! Because only love can break the curse!" She sighed. "How lovely."

"In most cases, that is correct Rose. But what-"

"Excuse me?!" Violet stood up with a snap. Everyone claimed their necks around to see her. "But what happened when the prince ate that apple and fricken choked so hard he passed out and everyone has a funeral? So we just expect another prince to come over and suck it out of his throat?! Or should it be a woman?! What if the princess that is under a spell is lesbian?! Or an asexual aromantic?! Or in love with a fictional character? She gonna die?! Huh?! Girls do not rely on MEN to wake them frown magical a coma. No! We women can do it ourselves! (Well that wouldn't work actually... erm) that prince ain't touching MY lips! No siree! He better call an ambulance because that won't be how I have my first kiss! HACK no!"

The class kinda stared at her blankly. At this point, she was standing empoweringly on her desk. Mrs. Bustier asked her to get down but she continued her speech.

"In fact in most stories love does not break the spell! In Snow White, she choked on an apple and passed out. When the prince kissed her he had somehow sucked the apple up her throat far enough for her to breath again and spit it out. In sleeping beauty, she was cursed to sleep 100s of years unless kissed by a prince's son. So that ain't true love! What about Frozen?! That was sisterly love and neither of them was princes and no kiss was involved! Moana fricken broke a curse BY HERSELF! Step it up fairy tales!" She folded her arms and sat down.

"Thank you for that.. um... explanation Violet. But we aren't thinking literal for these examples. Class, please open your textbooks to page 86." Mrs. Bustier re reigned the class to her control as they had their lesson about true love's kiss.


"Is that..." LadyBug's eyes widened amongst her mask.

"Kim?" Chat Noir finished for her.

"I am not Kim any more! I am DARK CUPID!" He bellowed, aiming his arrow on his bow shaft at LadyBug. He fired the arrow, barely missing LadyBug as she dodged it. "And I will make all lovers hate each other! No one will love again!" He flapped his pure black wings, which were now strangely shaped with markings from cards on them.

"Ok um.. calm down?" Chat asked as politely as it could sound, while at the same time, holding a cackly tone in his voice. Dark Cupid shot yet another of his black-tipped arrows at Chat Noir, but he knocked it away with his baton. "How about we take this to the air?"

Chat thrashed his mighty wings, carrying himself to the sky with Dark Cupid at nigh. LadyBug frisked into the air, catching herself with her own delicate wings. She followed from a great distance awaiting the scene to unfold.

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