Chapter two - Origins pt2

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The school day was completely terrible. Chloe managed to insult her for bringing them macaroons, saying she didn't accept food from bottom feeders. She did meet a new girl, her name was Alya. For once someone treated Marinette like an equal, not a helpless baby, or a piece of trash. Just like a normal human. And Marinette appreciated that greatly.

Marinette walked into her house, still trying to decide if that day had been horrible or good. She pushed open the door and walked inside. Her parents greeted her and gave her a bit to many pastries which she would have to most likely throw away. She gave them a smile and jogged upstairs.

She groaned as she got in her room, and sat in her chair which spun around three times. She wheeled it over to her desk and turned on her computer. But something caught her eye. It was a small ancient Chinese looking box. It was brown with little red designs.

Thinking her parents had put it there, she picked it up and opened it.

A bright red light emitted from the box in a spherical orb. She flinched and leaned back in surprise. As the light dimmed, it was replaced by a small pink floating creature. Its head looked too big for its tiny body. It had three black spots on its head, with little antenna there as well. Marinette shielded her eyes from the glow, and let out a scream of terror, to small to be heard.

"Greetings young master." The orb said. "My name is Tikki."

"AaAaAaAaHhHhHhHh!" Marinette stumbled backward off her chair and crashed to the floor. She stood up quickly and backed herself against the wall. "AH! Its a mouse! A bug! A bug mouse!" She started hurling objects at the creature, but it only phased through them.

"Oh dear, don't be frightened!" The creature said with a fairy-like voice.

"G-get away from me!" Marinette grabbed a glass cup from her desk.

"I'm not going to hurt you! My name is Tikki, and I am a kwami!" Tikki said and gradually flew closer to the winged girl. Suddenly Marinette pounced upon the creature, encasing it in the glass cup. Tikki sighed, "Well if that makes you feel better."

"What are you?" Marinette's lip trembled.

"I've already told you, my name is Tikki and I am a kwami!" The red kwami re-stated.

"M-mom!?" Marinette reached for her trap door handle.

"Wait!" Tikki fazed through the glass. "No one must know I exist!"

Marinette looked at her with awestruck horror. She was frozen, knowing that her mom had not heard her. "What?" She managed to say.

"Look, I can make you into a real-life superhero! Hawkmoth is coming, and we need you to stop him!" Tikki quickly explained.

"A.... a real-life hero? And a real-life supervillain!? There must be some mistake... I-I-I can't do that!" Marinette stood up, placing her hands on her head.

"There was no mistake!" Tikki hovered in front of her. "Look, try it at least once for me, ok?" Tikki pleaded.

"I can't! I can't even fly!" Marinette paced her room, her hands still on her head.

"What do you mean you can't fly?" Tikki wondered.

"My wings don't work! I. Can't. Fly!" Marinette felt her eyes begin to tear up.

"I can fix that-"

"You can fix me!? THANK YOU PLEASE!" Marinette faced the red creature again.

"No.. just while you're transformed. And that would mean your transformation would wear off after you use your power, faster than your partner's."

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