Chapter 14

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Last chapter!

TW overdose/suicide

Collect the bad habits that you couldn't bear to keep
Out of the woods, but I love
A tree I used to lay beneath
Kid's teeth stained red
From a sour bottle, baby girl
With eyes the size of baby worlds
We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger, but not any better off
Bulletproof loneliness at best


I woke up somehow standing up. I looked around and saw I was in front of a group of people in a church. When I turned, I saw a coffin sitting there.

"Frank," I whispered. "Frank, what did you do?"

I stepped up slowly but frowned in confusion when I saw myself laying in the coffin.

"Wait, what's going on?" I asked. "This...this isn't real."

"You mixed alcohol, cocaine and heroin, what did you think was going to happen?" Someone asked.

I turned around and saw Lindsey standing there in a white dress.

"I'm so sorry, Lindsey," I said. "I didn't mean to make you--"

"You can hold it," Lindsey interrupted. "I'm not actually Lindsey. You just imagine me to look like her because you still feel guilty about her death."

"So, I'm dead?" I asked. "That's it? That's the end?"

"Look at this, you don't have many attendees," she said as she looked around. "You didn't seem to make much of an impact on this world. Didn't make much of an impact on the other world either."

"The other--I was right!" I exclaimed. "I knew it! I was sent to an alternate dimension through the multiverse! Ray was the only one to believe me!"

I saw Ray at that moment and all my joy left my body. He sat there with his parents as he cried and they tried to comfort him. My mom was sobbing and Mikey was there to console her. Although, it didn't seem to really care.

"You couldn't even win over the affection of your own brother, that should have been the easiest step," she said.

There were a couple relatives and classmates here but at the back was the one crying the loudest. I took a few nervous steps closer, seeing Jamia as she tried to calm someone down, whispering softly.

"It's okay," she said. "It isn't your fault. You knew he had a drug problem, you said he tried to get you to join him before. Clearly he had a problem. But you can't blame yourself."

The person looked up and I saw it was Frank. His face was a little less swollen now, but it was puffy from crying.

"B-but I broke up with him," he said. "I-I was upset, I d-didn't mean it. He would have n-never gone there if it weren't for me."

Jamia shushed him, rubbing his head.

"Look at that, you broke Frank Iero's heart yet again," Lindsey said, no sympathy in her voice.

"Who are you, an angel?" I asked. "Because you're a fucking asshole."

Lindsey shrugged, resting her hand on Frank's shoulder. Frank didn't flinch.

"I need to get out of here," Frank said.

He walked out of the church and we followed behind as he walked down the street. I watched as Frank gave money to a homeless man and helped hold open the door of a shop for a lady with a stroller.

"You changed him a lot, for the better," Lindsey said. "The old Frank would have never donated money or wasted his time helping some random lady."

Frank got to his mansion and went to his room, sitting down at his desk.

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