Chapter 6

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This is Gerard when he first teleports through the universes

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This is Gerard when he first teleports through the universes

This is Gerard when he first teleports through the universes

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And this is after he gives himself a makeover

And this is after he gives himself a makeover

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The door opened and I looked over at Frank before burying my head in the pillow. He clicked the lock before sitting on the bed next to me.

"What? You're not gonna ask me about how the funeral was?" I asked.

"I would but I don't really care," he said. "You know why I'm here."

"I'm not gonna suck your dick right now, Frank," I said.

Frank sighed. "Fine, but do you know when you might?"

I sat up and stared at him.

"Are you shitting me right now?" I asked. "I just got back from my best friend's funeral and you're asking about a blowjob? Why don't you go to one of your other hoes."

"You do it best," he said with a shrug. "Plus, Jamia's being all fussy and weird with me because she wants me to take her to the prom."

I stared at him before sighing deeply.

"I can't handle you right now, Frank Iero," I said. "I am far too upset and far too sober."

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

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