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Megan Pete
Three Years Later
"Mama! Mommy! Up!" Our three year old yelled jumping on the bed I shared with my wife. Beyoncé groaned, stretching, before she opened her eyes.

"Alright Mel, we're up." She smiled so hard I'm sure her cheeks hurt.

"How about you go play while your mother and I get ready then mommy will come to get you ready okay?"

"K." She ran back to her room and presumably started playing with her millions of toys. I stayed in bed a little longer than Beyoncé choosing to scroll through my feeds and answer messages I'd gotten throughout the night. Life hadn't slowed down as much as I thought. Beyoncé's clothing line picked up tremendously and so did my music. In the beginning, it was hard for the two of us to successfully manage our time and our family but we got the hang of it. We figured out a way to stay in the same place for weeks on end instead of four days at a time. Though our little girl really didn't know the difference and that I was thankful for. By the time I was halfway ready, Bey had already left to go help Mel get dressed. While she did that I decided to make breakfast.

"Babe?" I heard Beyoncé call.


"Someone wants to show you their outfit."

"Let me see, princess." I watched as my baby girl did her best model walk next to her mom. They stopped halfway through the kitchen and gave me their best kissy faces.

 "I present to you the beautiful Melody Rae Pete

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"I present to you the beautiful Melody Rae Pete. She's wearing a custom Knowles-Pete blouse and skirt perfect for the California summer. Her hairpiece and her sandals are custom made by Chanel. The sandals are replicas of the ones her mother wore on her wedding day."

"Would the beautiful Melody Rae Pete like some pancakes?"

"Yes!" I gladly picked her up, kissed her cheek, and sat her in front of her plate of pancakes and bananas while Beyoncé fixed herself a cup of coffee.

"Would the sexy Beyoncé Knowles-Pete like something to eat as well?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist and softly kissing her neck.

"I'll pick something up."

"Let's have another one."

"Another one of what?"

"Another kid."

"Another kid?!" She asked turning around to fully look at me as if I was crazy.

"Yeah think about it. Don't you want to have a little boy running around too?"

"We just had a kid."

"Melody is almost four, if we wait any longer she'll flip out about us having another child."

"Two and that's it," she warned, "any more and they're coming from your uterus."

"Got it."

"Alright, I have to go. I love you."

"I love you too." She quickly pecked my lips before moving on to Mel.

"I love you, Melody Rae."

"I love you, mommy." I fixed myself a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast before sitting across from Melody at the dining table. I watched as she put her hands other her chin and batted her eyes at me, something she'd picked up from her mother. If perfection could be bottled up in a three-foot body, she'd be it. "Mama?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Can I have ice crweam?" My heart melted at the words.

"Promise you won't tell mommy?"

"I promise."

Beyoncé Knowles-Pete
"Good morning, Mrs. Pete," my personal assistant said to me as I walked through the revolving doors of my fashion design building.

"Good morning, can you call Christian and tell him that I'm ready for him as soon as he gets here."

"Sure thing," she handed me a coffee and a slip of paper containing all of my tasks for the day. It wasn't like I didn't already know but it made her feel good so I let her continue. It wasn't long before Mr. Louboutin himself entered my office and we began to look over sketches for our shared line. My scalloped design with his neon shades made for the perfect spring line. We were strictly business partners so there was no small talk to be made. Once we settled on the colors for the line, he left with the promise of returning in three weeks to show me the prototypes. I showed him out of the building and wished him well. On my way back up to my office, I ran into Angela who decided that today was the day to bother me. Much like my daughter, she knew how to press my buttons but I could never stay upset with her long.

"Have I ever seen this picture?" she asked me picking up the frame that was closest to her.

"I don't know. Have you?" I asked continuing to upload designs into my company's shared drive.

"Ew, attitude much? Megan must not be doing what she's supposed to do."

"Megan certainly has everything taken care of in that department." I watched Angie pretend to throw up in her mouth for all of two seconds.

"So what's wrong?"

"Megan wants another baby."

"Oh wow, okay. Do you want another baby?" She sat in front of me as if I'd just told her something life-changing.

"Of course. I'm just trying to figure out how our life will be now with two kids instead of one."

"Ever since you had Melody, you're always overthinking things. Just live. You know you want another baby, you're financially capable of doing so, you love Mel with all your heart, your marriage is solid, just do it."

"Alright, Nike."

"Best life advice there is out there."

Angela was right. Just doing it was the best possible thing for the Pete family to do. Within the following year, Beyoncé gave birth to a baby boy whom she and Megan named Easton. Both of them managed to permanently settle in New York which little Melody seemed to love. Beyoncé's collaboration with Christian sold out within twenty-four hours so she decided to create an encore to her original activewear line. Her own line managed to sell out within six hours. She was proud of her line and her family. It didn't take long for her to crave another baby but that was a conversation she was saving for another day.

Over the years Megan grew quite fond of makeup. She realized she was actually quite skilled and decided that maybe it was time to leave her mark elsewhere and not exclusively in music. It took her two years to finalize everything but once she did she couldn't have been more proud. Fifty shades of foundation, fifty shades of concealer, twenty shades of bronzer, eight shades of highlighter, and several eyeshadow palettes exclusively available at Sephora. Her wife was probably the proudest of Megan. She refused to wear any other brand of makeup and always made sure it was the only thing her daughter played dress up with.

Their love for each other doubled each day. Their children were surrounded by so much love, Melody wasn't even aware that her parents were famous. You could hear laughter coming from the house a mile away. Whether it was little Easton finding peak-a-boo extremely funny or Mel screaming for her mommy to push her higher on the swing, you could always hear the joy. I guess you could say life was better when it wasn't in the fast lane.

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