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Dear Personal Notebook,
I met a cutie with my accent.

Megan Pete
Manhattan, New York
New York was absolutely different from Houston. Back home people were nicer and even if they weren't verbally saying hello, they'd at least smile at you. Here everyone was so into their phones that they hardly ever noticed that there were other people around them. I was honestly just happy that I never had to stay here too long. Manhattan was my favorite burrow but this place was not for a country girl like me. I was used to people riding horses in the street not trains underground. This five-day fashion span was probably was the longest I've ever spent here but it was well worth it. I walked into the Versace Office building while carefully sliding my sunglasses off and walking over to the front desk.

"Hi, I have a ten o'clock with Beyoncé."

"Last name?"


"Of course, I will let her know. Would you like something to drink while you wait?"

"I'm okay, thanks." It didn't take long for Beyoncé to respond saying that she was ready and that I could show myself upstairs to her studio room.

"Hey, Megan it's nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too Beyoncé."

"Just give me a second to grab your outfits." I carefully watched as she went over to the corner of the room with a rack that contained at least forty matte black bags. "Pete right?"

"Yes, ma'am." I looked around on her desk to seek out any personal things she had. "Is that your girlfriend?" I asked referring to a framed picture of her and a much shorter girl. They were both in a matching cap and gown, smiling hard with their arms tightly wrapped around each other.

"With a space in the middle, yes," she said hanging the bag next to the full-length mirror and unzipping it, "you can try them on if you'd like."

"I want to see your freestyle." She nodded and pulled out a matching blazer and shorts set. I eagerly tried them on.

"I was thinking it'd look good with whatever you want to wear under it, so now when it's just a bra you can button it and still see your piercing. And you know, if you were to go somewhere that required a bit more clothing you can unbutton it and either put a blouse under here or just like a plain white tee, we sell those here for two-fifty, I think red would look good on your skin tone."

"Woah, Woah, did you just say you have plain white shirts for $250?"


"I think your basics just called me broke." She chuckled softly and flashed me a genuine smile that caused my stomach to flutter with butterflies.

"They call me broke too. Is it up to par?"

"It's above that."

"Well I'm glad you like it," she said helping me out of my jacket.

"So, you should let me take you to dinner as a thank you." She looked at me suspiciously for a minute before turning back to her work.

"Are you flirting with me, Ms. Pete?"

"If you're allowing it, Ms. Knowles."

"I'm sure you're not the only person you're flirting with."

"You listened to my music?" Normally when anyone questioned the motives of my flirting it was mostly because they had already listened to some of the things I had to say.

"Some of it. What did you think was going to come up when I typed 'hot girl' into google?"

"Shit, I mean all of it is true but that doesn't mean it happened yesterday."

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