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Beyoncé Knowles
Manhattan, New York
"That's not going to work I don't have time to wait on a seamstress who can't get her life together," I stressed to an intern whose name is already forgotten. I've got to get her a name tag.

"I've called everyone on your list and the earliest anyone can come in tomorrow morning."

"Not going to work, I needed this done like yesterday."

"I understand-"

"No, you do not. You are nowhere near the range of understanding. Please leave before I lose my mind."

"Yes, ma'am."  She quickly left my office most likely in fear of me losing my mind. I had way too much to do today in such a short amount of time. While I was spending the majority of my time designing I still had to make the hour drive to meet our wedding planner, make the drive back and have dinner with Megan. It didn't seem like much but with my luck, it was bound to be an eternity. I was only able to sketch two outfits before my alarm went off letting me know it was time to officially start driving. I put the designs in a safe before going downstairs to get to my car. On my way down I decided to text Megan just so she'd know I was leaving and we'd probably miss each other since she had an appointment here today. Before I could send the message I almost ran my body into hers.

"Hey, I was just about to text you."

"Hey." She quickly gave me a tight hug and a kiss. I almost left before I realized I had something for her.

"Wait, turn your airdrop on babe," I said as we stood in the middle of the lobby. She did as I asked and I quickly selected four of my most recent photos to send. I watched intently as they all downloaded to her camera roll. "I'm running late. I love you." I kissed her lips moving as quickly as possible to my car. The streets were crowded as they always were in Manhattan and I immediately knew I'd be driving for a while. This wedding planner better be damn good because I was so close to saying fuck it and doing this all myself.

About halfway into my drive, I got a call from Megan's mom. "Hey Holly," I smiled.

"You want to tell me why I'm listening to a twenty-seven-minute long sex tape right now?" Damn, no hey back?

"Um, I'm not sure why you're listening to a twenty-seven-minute long sex tape..."

"Let me rephrase, why am I listening to your twenty seven-minute-long sex tape."

"When'd I make a sex tape?"

"You tell me." She was pissed and I could tell.

"Is it only audio or are you just refusing to watch what we were doing?"

"Audio. I'm sitting here listening to the track Megan finished yesterday and then we slide into 'choke you out'." My eyes grew wide as I remembered I forgot to stop recording once Meg finished.

"Shit I'm so sorry. I was helping her record and we just like I don't know. I thought I stopped it."

"Just be careful next time okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I love you, hun."

"I love you too. Wait, can you send that to me please?"

"Goodbye, Beyoncé."

I made it to the wedding planner's office in fifty-eight minutes instead of sixty which made me on time but by the skin of my teeth. I went inside to check in with the receptionist before sitting down and quickly running a hand over my belly. Keeping this pregnancy a secret has been harder than I thought. I hadn't even told my dad and that alone was eating me alive. I did enjoy partaking in all of my daily activities without the extra judgment but this wasn't exactly something I could keep a secret forever. Eventually, I would get bigger and eventually I'd have to push a human being out of my body (such an anxiety-inducing thought). It wasn't long before I was called back into the office so I could officially start planning for my wedding.

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