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Beyoncé Knowles
Manhattan, New York
"Oh shit." Megan reached into her purse and began to scroll through the thousands of messages sent to her about our engagement. "Fuck these comments are terrible, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. They don't bother me."

"Good, I love you Beyoncé."

"I love you too, Megan."

"Let's go out tonight and have some alone time."

"Let's do it." The sales lady brought back the shoes for us to try on as well as a few others she thought she could talk us into buying. Did it work? Yes. After getting three extra pairs of shoes, we all went up the register so that we could get the bags and I could get my card. Once again my phone started to vibrate and instinctively I checked to see who it was.

Incoming Call
Ang 💫

"I'm going to take this babe." Meg nodded and proceeded to check out while I walked away from the desk and answer the call.

"So you're engaged now?"

"Damn, Angela. Hello, I'm fine. How are you?"

"You're engaged now?"

"Yes. Why are you asking me that like there's a problem?"

"You didn't think to maybe text me and let me know?"

"Ang, I haven't let anyone 'know' anything yet."

"And you're in New York? Ever since you got with Megan, it's like I don't exist."

"That's not true," I sighed rubbing my temple.

"Yes it is, you're in New York and you haven't even attempted even get in contact with me."

"Because I've been busy Angela."

"With Megan?"

"Yes with Megan and her mom because not only is Megan going to be my wife soon, but we're starting a family together and I'm sorry but I need to spend more time with them than I do with you. It'd be fucked up if I didn't."

"Whatever." I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the picture of Megan I had as my lock screen. I know this girl did not just hang up on me. To a certain extent I guess she was right, we used to hang out a few times a week but now we'd be lucky if we caught each other twice a month. Yes, I always seemed to be busier than she was but I still tried to make the time. I was rarely in New York, to begin with, and I'm sure she could see that coming based on how much I complained about feeling out of place here.

"Who was that?"


"What'd she say? You seem a bit worked up."

"Just that I'm kind of a bad friend." These past few weeks have been undoubtedly been stressful and at this moment everything that I'd been bottling up spilled over and I began to cry. Megan caught on quickly and pulled me in the direction of the bathroom to avoid another blog spot scandal.

"Princess don't cry." Megan pulled me closer to her, wrapping her arms around my waist. I nodded pulling away and Megan instinctively wiped my eyes. "Let me handle it, I don't want anything happening," she whispered softly, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Is everything okay?" Holly asked walking into the restroom causing Megan to quickly move her hand.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just got a little worked up because someone took a picture of me and now the whole world knows I'm engaged."

"I'm sorry honey. Those blogs really have no respect for boundaries." She took her turn at hugging me. It was nice to be around people who understood what it was like to be somewhat new at this. No matter how successful my brand was, designers were rarely on the blogs, unless there were in some type of scandal so I was able to keep most of my life private. Meg was able to do the same, discreetly. She was constantly posting about her brand, leading people to think they knew a lot more about her than they did. You knew her general location based on her shows but that was usually it. No one ever knew when she was in the studio or when she wasn't, no one ever knew where she was staying or how long she'd be there. The most you could get out of following her and all her friends was the name of the airport that she was in. "How about we stay in tonight and just have a girls night?"

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