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Maab was angry, how had her grandson been so alone in the world, she had been able to smell his fairy from inside his fathers car, the werewolves should have known and informed the fairy's about him.

The druid Deaton was also on her list, how the Beacon had fallen so far was his fault, it was his job to stop it, and she knew he at least would have known of Stiles' fairy, for him to lie and manipulate him into the spark rubbish was a problem.

Gerard was a huge problem, one she would be sending the hunt out to deal with, she would ensure the man was dead, and she would make sure the hunters council was given a visit as well, as they were under her domain, they were to police the supernatural, yet they seemed to be killing them instead.

Before she could unload her anger, Maab noticed Stiles was looking tired, she led him to his bedroom and after promising to send his trainer over in the morning and meet him for lunch she left.

Stiles woke the next morning feeling a burning along his spine, after looking he saw his first marking, a line of runes from his hair line to his tail bone, it looked cool, not too flowery just plain black.

He pulled on some clothes and kept shrugging his shoulders, feeling contained, he pulled his shirt off and instantly felt better.

Before he could eat his trainer appeared, a tall slender man with long silver hair, pink eyes and grey skin, his markings were all plant based and his wings looked like flowers and vines, he was beautiful and Stiles told him so.

The man grinned at him and bowed slightly.

"My name is Lucian, it is an honour to be your trainer my prince." He spoke and Stiles sighed, his voice was deep and velvety.

"Even your voice is beautiful. Please call me Stiles." He spoke with a smile.

In true fashion he peppered Lucian with questions as they walked to the training grounds, it wasn't until they were half way there he even realised he had forgotten to put shoes on, he just shrugged it off.

Being himself it also looked like he didn't notice the attention of the fairies they passed, all eyes were on him and it seemed that only Lucian noticed.

Of course he did notice the looks, just pretended that he didn't, he had already learnt to hide as many of his skills as possible, it was good to be underestimated.

He couldn't however ignore, or pretend to ignore the small fairy child that tripped and fell, he was at the kids side helping him up and checking him over, he was fine, just scared, but the kid was excited to meet him.

Stiles gave him a cheeky smile and a wink and without trying a small black flower wrapped around his hand, and he passed it to the kid.

As he moved on with Lucian he felt a burning around his right middle finger and looked down finding an exact replica of the flower marked into his skin, he snorted a giggle at his new finger decoration and it's location.

Lucian was impressed at his charge, two markings and his wings in less than 24 hours, and magic strong enough to create a black lace orchid out of nothing.

They reached the training grounds and stepped into their own area, the first match between them would be to test limits, and to find any natural ability, Lucian was not a warrior, he was simply a trainer.

They squared off and in a flash of black Stiles was off, spinning and twisting, his wings would flare out taking Lucian by surprise as he had to jump back to avoid the razor sharp spikes, it was clear to every eye watching that their new Prince was gifted in fighting.

Lucian moved him into an actual training class and sat back to watch, grinning like a fool as Stiles clearly rose to the top of the group, by lunch the Prince was spinning the fae swords in his hands like he was born with them in his grip.

Maab had come to meet her grandson for lunch and found him in the training grounds, weilding twin fae swords, shirtless, shoeless, with two marks and watched as he used his wings to his advantage, swiping and stabbing his opponent at random moments.

She watched with pride as his hair darkened to black on the top and a dark red underneath, and lengthened to just past his shoulders, a good length for a warrior, it would be easy to keep out of the way.

Maab led Stiles to lunch where Titania was waiting to meet them, he asked how long in fairy time he would be there and blinked at the answer of three years.

He decided it could be worse, three years in the fae world, learning everything and when he returned it would be as if only three months had passed in the human world.

He now knew where he would be spending every school break he had, fairy was awesome  he had finally found a place he fit, everyone seemed to be happy to see him and his Nanna and Aunt were great.

After lunch he went to his mothers house and looked through her things, it was amazing, her weapon of choice had been a quarter staff, he was told his mother was more of a healer than a fighter though, he decided to train in the quarter staff as a backup weapon as a tribute to his mother.

He was laying in his bed that night wondering if he could use his magic to power his staff like Gambit he could flip around and live his childhood fantasy of being an x-man.

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