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Stiles spent the next morning meditating in a power circle in the forest, they knew he had more talents, they just had to find them, it was while sitting in the circle he felt the familiar burn.

On his right side from thigh to shoulder a tree appeared, with a dream catcher in a branch and small runes blended into the bark, he left and found Lucian waiting, his new marking linked him into earth and potions.

He was moved to the potion hut for training, his earth magic gifting him the natural ability to not only grow the plants needed but to brew any potion, it was awesome knowing that his potions could save lives.

He was given a tour of the healing facility, and left his name at the potion desk, if they needed potions he would help brew them, he also met a fairy girl, she was short, with white hair, bright blue eyes, had a tanned human skin colour but she shimmered and her wings were gold with blue veins, they looked like lace.

Her markings were delicate flowers, pretty runes, butterflies, a caduceus, birds and musical notes, all her markings were in pretty colours that stood out on her tanned skin.

He bowed low and offered a spring of bleeding heart to her, he had felt a pitter in his heart, he smiled bright when she accepted the blossoms from him with a smile of her own, the both of them blinked as a matching vine wrapped around their left forearm, his was black with red flowers hers green with pink flowers.

Lucian cheered for them and soon all fae in hearing distance had surrounded them congratulations were sung and a feast was planned, Maab even appeared and added her blessings to the couple.

It took Stiles a few moments to gather his wits, but he gathered them and let his instincts drive him, he introduced himself, using his full name Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski, she gave her name back Tiarianna "Aria" Bloomfield.

After the crowd left them, they walked together and swapped stories, their lives seemed balanced both had felt love, loss, pain, happiness and fear.

Aria was orphaned young, her parents had left the fae world, and been killed in a car accident, Stiles figured out it was the car accident that kept his father from the hospital the night his mother died.

Aria was a year younger than Stiles, and had already found her talents, she was a healer, mainly, and a talented musician and artist and could wield wind, she could protect herself with daggers, but would prefer not to fight.

He had told her about his life in Beacon, his friends and family, the good and bad, and had shown her his house, it was almost too easy between them, but they were marked by destiny, fated, matched, it was meant to be easy.

They spent months together as friends, every afternoon they could be found heads together studying everything they could get their hands on.

It was a huge shock when Stiles got his next marking, a red caduceus on his left hip, he was a dark fae, healing should not be in his power base, he could heal, but it was minor, small injuries only, however his own body would heal fast with no aid.

Aria could also suddenly grow some plants, none of the harder plants, but the ones she could grow were healing plants used in simple healing potions.

The fae went into research mode, it was simply because the couple refused to be locked in a box, neither of them identified as a specific season, they just identified as fae.

They also noticed that their minor cross over markings were ones their match had as a major marking, they were complimenting each other.

Stiles had also figured out how to use his quarter staff like gambit, his strange view of mixing human and fae was giving him an edge, no one could match him in fighting, not even the queen's bodyguards.

Aria had gotten better with her daggers, however she spent her time focusing more on human healing, she was planning on leaving fairy to return to Beacon with Stiles, she wanted to be a nurse like his surrogate mother Melissa.

Maab had welcomed Aria into Stiles' life, and therefore into the family, they were after all fae, so while Stiles was a Prince, the chance of him ever ruling were extremely slim, however both Maab and Titania had taken the couple under their wings and started teaching them about ruling.

It had taken Stiles a few weeks to realise that the polish Erica had put on his nails hadn't worn off, and after Aria had seen it she had taken to randomly painting his nails different colors and styles.

Three months on and his finger nails were all black with hot pink flowers drawn, the younger fae girls had taken over his toe nails, they along with the tops of his feet were now a swirly rainbow.

Stiles had also let the girls play with his hair, he now had his hair in twists and braids and decorated with feathers, twigs, leaves, flowers, gems and magic pendants.

Out of all the fae, he looked the wildest, he never wore shirts or shoes, his hair looked like nature had taken over, and his teeth had all sharpened into slight points, he lounged and slouched never stood straight, he always had his quarter staff and twin fae blades strapped to him and he had taken to wearing fae leather pants.

In contrast Aria looked like the most regal fae, her hair was silky smooth, she was always fully dressed and wearing shoes, her daggers were hidden in pockets, her back was always straight and she was always smiling.

Only Stiles saw Aria let her hair down, when they were alone she was just as wild as he was, she was just more inclined to be seen as professional as a healer, Stiles was just happy to let her do or be what she wanted.

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