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The packs had splintered after the moments in the warehouse, Derek, Peter and the three betas Erica, Boyd and Isaac had returned to the subway car and started looking for a new place to stay.

Scott had gone home to his mom, pleased with himself for the plan to poison Gerard, not once did he think of the consequences.

Allison had left with her dad, going to France to the Argent stronghold for training, and to make sure she wouldn't ever attack an innocent again.

Lydia and Jackson had created a pack of two, them against the world, the only difference was the couple actively looking for Stiles.

They arrived at his house a few days after he left, the Sheriff had informed them he was visiting his nanna on his mom's side, but would be back at the end of summer.

Erica and Boyd were next, clamouring around each other to explain, without letting anything slip, once they realised he knew about them, they talked about the basement.

Noah was mad at himself, he hadn't even known his kid was that hurt, whips and knives, torture, and he had still managed to save the kids in front of him and then later Jackson.

Pride for his son ran through his system, here he was thinking his kid was messing around and a trouble maker, instead he was saving lives.

Peter was next in the list, he just knocked on the door and offered his apologies for being a psycho rage machine douchewolf, and asked after the health of Stiles.

To say Noah was speechless was an understatement, especially when Peter asked him on a date for coffee, he accepted, why wouldn't he, Peter was a very handsome man.

Isaac came a month into the school break asking for Stiles with a scared look on his face, after Noah explained where Stiles was Isaac left his number asking Stiles to call when he returned.

Derek came swinging into the window and Noah let out a giggle at the look on his face when he found Noah instead of Stiles.

It did leave Noah informing Derek he needed to get the pack to communicate as everyone except Scott and the Argents had already been by to see Stiles.

Derek huffed then left out the window, planning to use the advice, he went home and called a pack meeting.

A month before summer break was over and Noah had the Argents at his door, both asking for Stiles and handing back his belongings left in tne basment.

They were appologetic, yet nothing they said affected Noah, they had stood by as innocent kids were hurt, and done nothing to try and stop it.

The pack was once again gathered together, a week before school went back talking about Stiles, and talking about inviting him into the pack.

They were also talking about the letters they got about the new rules and orders around hunters and supernaturals, Derek had told them about the note added into his letter about Kate and Gerard being added to the wild hunt list.

They were still talking when they all stiffened and stared at the loft door as Lydia, Jackson and the Argents knocked, Derek let them in and led them to the rest of the pack.

Chris started the discussion, he talked about the new hunter rules, and offered a truce, a signed truce, of equals, with reparations made from both he and Allison for their part in the events at the warehouse and the basement.

Derek was willing to pass his reparations to Isaac, Erica and Boyd asked for nothing more than some training, Isaac agreed to training.

Allison was in tears apologising multiple times, for everything, the three betas piled on her in a big group hug, all of them shedding tears.

Peter had sidled closer to Chris, talking about his new relationship with Noah, and asking Chris when he was going to start moving in on Melissa McCall.

Lydia and Jackson both bared their necks to Derek, asking for entry into his pack, both also holding their letters of rules.

It took another three days before Scott finally showed up looking for Stiles, first he went to Noah, who told him he was with family.

Then Scott went to the pack, asking about Stiles, again the only answer he got was that he was with family.

Scott then started trying to push into the pack, it wasn't working and after his betrayal in the warehouse, he wasn't wanted or trusted.

Isaac had thought Scott would be a good friend, but seeing that it took Scott almost three month to check on Stiles, showed him the truth about Scott.

Allison was also seeing Scott honestly for the first time, he lied, didn't care for his friends, and hadn't told her the truth about her mother.

Scott had thought it was fine for her to blame Derek for everything, but then again Scott was still blaming Derek for everything.

Allison was wondering how Scott was going to cope with the new rules placed onto the world, everyone involved in the supernatural world knew the rules were enforced by the fae.

Except Scott, he seemed to think he was above the rules, that no one would ever know, he would soon discover that wasn't true, that the rules were for everyone.

The next item the pack discussed was the symbol found at the old Hale house, the symbol of the alpha pack, Peter explained how bad it could be.

They decided to ignore it, until the first move against the rules  and then they would call the hotline, let the people who were capable deal with it.

The day before school went back was when the alpha pack made their move, they took Erica and Boyd and used their emissary to help block the scents.

No contact other than the symbol and taking them, then to hide, it was a huge break in the rules, rules set in place centuries ago to keep their world secret and to stop them killing each other off.

Derek made the call, followed the prompts, and was told their closest enforcer would be in touch within a few hours.

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