"Loss" Part 1

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Traumatic events dribbled in his eyesight the day I lost the memories of our relationship. Kemper's PTSD drove us off the road and damaged my brain and brought our son in this world a month and a half early. His remorse for the things he no longer controlled were evident when my lost eyes locked with his. All I know of him now is his name and that we have a son. I've fallen mute with a big chunk of my memory gone.
When I first woke up, I was confused. I was told that I was mute, so I asked for paper. "Jess". I turned the name around to the doctor and my husband, who I didn't know at the time. I could see Kemper's soul drop. I was genuinely lost because I thought Jess was still my fiancé. "Baby, that was three years ago." Then, my soul dropped. What happened? Why aren't we married? I was in disbelief.  "I want to see him. He's my fiancé," I scribble. Kemper grabbed my left hand and said,"No, he's not." I see the ring. "We've been married for a year now." I start to cry; I shake my head and pull back. I jot another note. "I want to see him." I'm breaking Kemper's heart. His eyes begin to water. "The news spread quickly. He's here. I didn't think you would want to see him and he didn't want to leave until he saw you."
He knew I still wanted to see him. The doctor left the room and Jess emerged. He had a sad smile. So did I. Kemper was dying on the inside. I felt bad, confused, and happy to see him. "Baby, are you okay," Jess approached me and started to take me into his arms, but Kemper interfered. Jess glared, but had to respect my husband. I was even more confused. I kept my eyes on Jess. "Let me talk to her. I don't care if you stay in here or not." Kemper looked at me. "I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you. I truly do. It ended because of me. I lost faith in us, but I wanted to keep you. All we did was argue." There was a dramatic pause. "I cheated a few times. You knew back then. I lost my way with drugs. I hit you. You were pregnant and--and I wasn't sober. Next thing I knew was that you were bleeding and the baby was in danger--." He cut off mid-sentence when he saw my tears. I was looking around for answers. Both of them went to embrace me. They glared at each other and stopped in their tracks to look at me. My memory days I'm in love with a man that used to beat me and is the cause of the loss of our child. But, I'm married to a man that I can't remember anything about but we have a newborn somewhere in this hospital.
                                                      chamyl ati leumas

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