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After the kanima and Gerard, after he saved Erica and Boyd, after he took them back to Derek to keep them safe, there was summer, an entire summer to rest and relax, well that was until his dad sent him away.

He was sent to his Nanna, the Nanna he had never met in his eighteen years of life, she had reached out, explained things to his dad, and in true Noah Stilinski style, he had packed his son off to meet his mothers family.

Now Stiles, was no idiot, in fact he was super smart, he just didn't want the attention of being super smart, so he fudged tests enough to get good grades, but not be top of the class.

So when his dad out of nowhere, packs his clothes, no electronics, and drives him out of town, then stops at the side of the road he knows it's gonna be a weird summer.

He had no idea how weird, until his Nanna stepped out of the trees, he knew instantly who she was, he was the research guy, he researched things, and he was terrified at the thought of his Nanna, but who wouldn't be terrified at the knowledge that his Nanna was Queen Maab.

He was part fairy, damn his trouble magnet, his dad hugged him, told him to have a good summer then drove away.

Now for Maab, this was ideal, she had wanted to meet her grandson for a long time, for Noah it was great he got Stiles out of Beacon Hills, for Stiles it was disturbing.

He believed this was his nanna, he knew she wouldn't hurt him, but he wondered how long he would be gone in reality, fairy was different, time was different, an entire summer in this world, could be a century in fairy.

He greeted nanna with a head nod, and after grabbing his bag, followed her through the forest, sighing as he felt reality shift around him as he stepped into fairy.

Stiles felt his magic shift inside him as soon as he was in fairy, he felt it grow and snap to the ends of his fingers, he looked down and let out a snort of laughter, his fingernails were hot pink, the remainder of Erica being bored.

He also noticed his shadow now had wings, which meant that he had wings, they looked spikey and tattered in his shadow but when he spread them open they were huge, reaching high above his head, still bunched on the ground and stretched from side to side further than his arms, they were black and dark red, with sharp spiked edges, and his wing webbing had edges that looked torn and ripped, but when he touched one it was firm and strong, and sent a rush of arousal down his spine.

He noticed Maab staring at his wings and folded them down, they were back to looking like spikes and tattered fabric, he was secretly in love with his wings, he had read that the size of wings, show the size of power and magic held in the fairy, and that they folded down so small was amazing, he could hide his powers from enemies.

Stiles was happy he had listened to his mothers stories about faries, and wings, and magic, he knew more than he thought he did, the truth had just been hidden as tales, and stories, he realised that meant he would meet his Aunt Titania at some point on his visit.

As Stiles followed his nanna to fairy, he ran through what he knew, fairy was split into two sides, light and dark ruled by a queen, Maab and Titania, each side was split again into two, summer and spring, winter and fall, the area you claimed as home was based on your powers and colouring.

Titania ruled the light, of summer and spring, they were bright colours, wind, water, healing and music, art, warm, sun, day time, life.

Maab ruled the dark, winter and fall, dark colours, earth, fire, fighting, death, night,  moon and stars.

Neither side was good or evil, they were just opposites of the same, they worked together, were friends, lived together, each side also had the creatures and supernaturals under them.

Stiles knew from his wings he would be dark, black and dark red combined were basically dark fairy rotalty colours, even though when shut his wings looked only black, he guessed it was a defense, he knew part of his power would be fighting, wings only folded down that small for fighters, and his remaining spikes were sharp and could be used as weapons.

Now he just had to wait for his hair, eyes, skin and markings to come to him, he was surprised his wings were so fast, but was excited no matter what, he just hoped his summer stay wasn't too long, or he would be too different when he returned.

Maab led him into a house that was clearly his, it was brand new, and built to his size, with books on almost every wall, they sat together in his living room and just stared at each other.

It was naturally Stiles who broke first.
'Where are your wings? Why am I here? Why now? Do you have anything of my mom's?' He babbled then covered his mouth with his hands and sat back.

'Hidden by glamour, to meet your family, your magic unlocked and called me, a lot of stuff.' She answered and smiled.
'You are so like your mother, I will teach you to hide your fairy behind glamour and will take you to see your mom's house tomorrow, it still stands as she left it, so if you ever came to us you could claim it, as is our custom and your birthright.' Maab added before leaning forward and holding his hands.

'I felt your magic appear, not long ago. It felt rushed and fragile, untrained, yet there was so much power it brushed our streets, your relatives knew it was one of ours instantly and called for a search, I led the search knowing it was you. I found you and contacted your dad, and here we are.' Maab said then looked at him closer. 'Now tell me about why you are injured and why your magic came out so forced.' She demanded.

'My best friend got bitten by a rogue werewolf, it was bad.' Stiles told Maab everything he could remember after Scott was bitten and finished his explanation with 'we figured out who the alpha was, then we had to kill the alpha to save our lives and the lives of more innocent people. Then there was a new pack started up, more murders, then a freaky lizard monster, I held up the new alpha in a pool for hours, then we were told the new lizard monster was a kanima. I used mountain ash to trap the kanima in a warehouse. There was more crap and blah blah blah, kanima master killed, new master is creepy Argent senior, he kidnapped me and tried to kill me, blah blah blah, torture, and then I saved me and two werewolves and then helped Scott cure the kanina and watch Gerard ooze black goop before he died, well I hope he died.' Stiles finished and breathed then cracked a smile at the sight of his nanna looking like she was sucking on a lemon.

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