The contract

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I stood out the front of the Cherry Blossom , this was a place that I couldn't afford hopefully we are just having drinks.

"Excuse me miss" a voice said from behind me , it was Drake Donovan still charming as the first time I laid eyes on him. His hair was flowing in the breeze "You are the singer from Nightlight right?"

"Yes, Dove Summers" I said shaking his hand. His hand was all warm, not like mine which was always cold.

"Shall we go in" he said pointing to the building. I nodded with a smile "you think this place is amazing"

He held open the door for me as I walked through, inside was incredible. A massive fish tank on the far wall that had fish of all colours and shapes. People sat on the floor, it was marvellous. This is the most amazing place I have ever been to , I really felt like I had traveled to another county. I could never afford this place.

"We have to take off our shoes" he said looking down at my feet. I was wearing knee high doc martins. I looked at him and he was wearing the same. Well this is going to be fun "I really didn't think this through"

I let out a little bit of an awkward laugh.

"Look this place is great but would you rather go and get a burger?" He said looking around.

"Yeah" I said in a sigh of relief I would not be able to pay for anything in here anyway.

"Let's go" he said opening the door for me again.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him, it was nice to go out side with someone during the day. I hadn't done that in quite awhile.

"There's a diner just down the street" he said pointing to a place called the Hollywood diner.

"Sounds good to me" I said sounding enthusiastic I have lived in America for awhile now and still haven't eaten a burger at a diner "I haven't been to a diner before"

"No! Really" he said looking at me "how long have you been in America"

"A couple of months" I said as we came closer to the diner.

"Well then, I shall give you your first diner experience" we came to the door and we walked in. This place was more my style, it looked like I could afford to sit here. And the atmosphere was fun, Hollywood memorabilia hung on the wall.


"So down to the business" Drake said sipping his chocolate milkshake "I want to make your band a deal! I know I just heard you last night but something about you guys is really out of this world"

I smiled at him, little did he know that we were vampires.

"Thank you " I said taking a fry and putting it in my mouth. The sensation of the potato saturated in oil melted on my taste buds.

"Here is my deal , I want to sign your band to a contract. This contract will bind Nightlight to me meaning I will be able to promote you the way I chose. You will be set for life." He said reaching for my hand and holding it "you are going to be a star, you have so much talent"

"This is an amazing offer, the band will be so excited" I said smiling back at him. He still held my hand not letting go.

"I will protect you all, you should be happy I found you. As much blood as you like you won't have to worry about scavenging" As he said this I felt sick. How could he know that we drink blood? We didn't tell him. How could he possibly know.

"What ? " I said in complete confusion. Is it really that obvious that we are blood suckers ?

"I'm not blind I know why the rest of you didn't come. You sleep all day and party at night, you vampires" he said letting go of my hand and moving his face closer to mine "But why are you different?"

Buffy's Daughter: Lonely Maniac #Book 2Where stories live. Discover now