Buffy's Daughter: Lonely Maniac

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Please if you haven't read the first book I advise you to do so :D for your own knowledge of the characters and enjoyment


Is it okay to say that I am scared out of my whits? because I would be lying if I said I wasn't. This thirst is growing stronger in me, I pretend on the outside that I'm alright but inside I'm not. I look at humans and want to rip their heads off and bathe in their blood but that isn't me. It's so hard to say no to the beast inside of me, we are one now and there is no turning back. I did it for the people I love and if their happy I'm happy, so I'll pretend everything is just fine when really I am hearing their blood pump through their veins.

Back home I was free to take as much blood as I could from the hospital but here it would be a crime to do so. The rats and the birds that i find don't satisfy me and the blood I get from the butchers I regurgitate in an instant. Human blood, is the only blood. Human blood !

Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,Human blood, Human blood, Human blood , Human blood, Human blood, Human blood,

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