🎑~The mumrik

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This is about the moomins series, but you don't need to know it to understand, I just wanted to write a gt fic of it since I couldn't find one of my own! Enjoy ;)
(Art above isn't related to the story and mumrik boy is no fairy, but I guess it just kinda fits?)


"Yes dear?"

"Have you heard of... Very little creatures living in people's homes?"

Moominmama put the plate in her hands down and turned to look at her son. "Little creatures you say?"

"Yes, maybe some that sneak in and steal your things?" She paused and thought for a moment, before turning back to her dishes "Well I'm afraid I don't know of any, besides Little My that is.". It wasn't the answer Moomintroll had hoped for, but he expected it in a way. He sighed and stood up to leave the kitchen, under Moominmama's confused stare. "But why do you ask? Have you heard or read about any?"

"Oh! Uh, no, not really- well, kind of!" He forced a laugh out to cover his lie, but it sounded pitifully fake. The troll was still hesitant on telling his mom the truth. It may have been only his imagination for all he knew.

He retreated back to his room, dragging his feet on the way. The curiosity was killing him, and he needed to know if the little boy he'd seen was real!

He paused when he passed by his father's study. It was true that he was reading a book on mythical creatures, but he certainly didn't find anything useful in it. Moominpapa on the other hand had traveled in many places and seen many people, so he might be able to guide him on the subject.

"Papa?" Moomintroll knocked on the door. There was the sound of papers shuffling, before he heard an answer, "Ah, yes, come in!"

He found his father under the desk on his knees, collecting some papers and not looking at him.

"Papa, do you know about little people secretly living in houses-"

"-What?!" Moominpapa's head shot up, and a loud thud followed right when he hit it on the wooden surface above. "Papa!" Moomintroll rushed in to check on his father, who was rubbing the top of his head. "Ow... It's alright, I'm fine. What was it you asked about? People living with us you said...?" He glanced up at his son, his attention seemingly directed to something else.

"Yes, exactly! So you do know about them, right Papa?" Moomintroll jumped on the spot with excitement. So I wasn't only his imagination, the teeny boy he saw was real!

"Oh, I'm afraid not, Moomin. I haven't even heard of such thing at all, where'd you get this kind of idea anyway?" Moominpapa got back up with a stock of papers in hand. He ruffled his son's hair before turning back to his desk and facing away from him.

"Oh, alright, I see," the troll felt his chest deflating at the words. He had really hoped he would get his answer from Moominpapa, but it seemed even he didn't know of such people either. Maybe it was only a trick of his mind in the end. He really wished the boy he had seen was real though, it would have been so intriguing and exciting.

With a defeated sigh, he left the study and headed back to his room.


His parents had been wrong.

One night, after enough time had passed for Moomintroll to forget all about the strange 'encounter' he had, the boy woke up in the middle of the night for no reason he could pinpoint.

All light had left his room by that hour, save for the moon that shone through his window and traced over his room's shapes. For a moment he kept his eyes closed and listened to the nightly sounds of Moominvalley. The wind wuthering, rustling tree leaves, the gentle sea waves, an owl's hoots somewhere near, those sounds lulled him back into unconsciousness, until the symphony got broken by a new, strange sound. It sounded like it was right in Moomintroll's room.

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