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[you talked to Jimin coz he eventually found you. You tried to introduce Jennie to him but she was busy taking shots so you awkwardly laughed it off. Then Jimin received a text from someone which made him excited so he left you and ran towards jin's office. You assume he's also friends with Namjoon and that's why he almost flew away to meet him.

"I can't do this anymore" Jennie starts mumbling. She doesn't get drunk that easily but when you see the number of empty soju bottles, you lose it. You snatch the bottle from her before she finishes another one. "I'm tired, y/n" she looks at you, her eyes red and moist. She's crying. She's one of those diligent and strong people whom you look up to. Seeing her break down in front of you shatters your heart into pieces. "Why is this happening to me?" She manages to speak.

"It'll be okay"

"I know, but when" she cries. "I'm sick of living my life like a failure"

"You're not a failure"

"I am, look at me"

Tears roll down her face, which has turned red. Something in you blames Namjoon for triggering her into breaking down. He just pushed that button she has been trying not to push for so long. But on the bright side, you are now able to know how she really feels. You're younger than her and less experienced in life but you could always try and help.]

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