Chapter 17

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I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I felt like I've only been asleep for a couple minutes, but when I look at the clock, it's been a few hours. I sighed and sat up to look for my phone. I found it on the floor next to the bed and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked since I didn't bother to look at the caller ID.

"Mace why haven't you been answering your phone?" Dylan asked and I ran my hands over my face.

"Sorry I've been sleeping, I decided to take a nap" I said looking down at Tyler's shirt and then looking behind me at the empty bed. "But what did you want?" I asked.

"Well Matty is over here at the house and he wanted to see you. I told him I would call you but you haven't been answering." Dylan said and I stood up and stretched.

"Okay, I guess Tyler and I will come over, maybe we'll stay for dinner so we don't have to cook" I laughed opening the bedroom door and walking down the stairs into the kitchen. I see Tyler still in his boxers, in front of the fridge. He turns around and smiles when he sees me. "I'll see you later Dylan" I said before hanging up.

"What did Dylan want?" Tyler asked sitting down. I walked over and wrapped my one arm around his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked up at me.

"Matty is at the house and he wants to see me. So I told Dylan you and I would come and maybe we could stay for dinner since they'll be eating soon. You don't have to go if you don't want to" I explained and Tyler shrugged.

"I'll go, I get food and Matty will be there. He's adorable I can't say no to going to see him" Tyler smiled and so did I.

"I'm going to change" I said and Tyler got up and followed me.

"I think you should stay like that, it's very attractive" he said. I looked over my shoulder and he winked. I laughed and shook my head at him as I picked up my clothes from the floor and changed back into them as Tyler did the same. Once we were ready we headed out to Tyler's car and he made the short drive to my parents house.

When we walked in Matty came running up to Tyler and I first hugging my legs and then running to Tyler and hugging his legs. Tyler laughed and picked him up and started tickling him and Matty's laughter filled the house. I walked into the kitchen where everyone was. I gave my parents hugs and said hello to everyone else.

"Are you and Tyler staying for dinner?" my mom asked.

"Yeah if that's okay" I shrugged and she laughed.

"It's always okay honey" my mom said kissing the top of my head and setting the table. We all talked for a little bit, and then Matty had to go, but he wanted to stay for dinner. "it's fine if he wants to stay"

"Are you sure?" Matty's mom asked.

"Of course and I'm sure Macy and Tyler wouldn't mind playing with him" my mom said looking at me and smiling.


After dinner, Tyler took Matty out to the backyard to play, while I helped my mom with the dishes. I was standing at the sink watching Tyler and Matty out the window. I smiled watching as Tyler chased after Matty and then picked him up when he caught him.

"He really loves Matty" my mom said coming up behind me "And he really loves you too"

"I know" I smiled drying my hands on a dish towel and setting it on the counter. "I won't be here for thanksgiving this year" I said leaning back against the sink and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why not?" my mom asked leaning over the island.

"Tyler's taking me to meet his family" I said and my mom smiled.

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